- 1
Yedho okati
#2340 opened by Jathingurusai - 1
Compiler Bug: Pathological example
#2338 opened by jzwood - 1
- 1
#2336 opened by HarbertSammyG - 1
#2335 opened by HarbertSammyG - 2
deadlock with malformed elm.json
#2334 opened by bukzor - 1
elm init missing -y option
#2333 opened by johndeighan - 2
"Annotation vs. Internal Annotation" is essentially variable shadowing (and the solution is to disallow it)
#2332 opened by mskiptr - 1
What is the problem with building from source?
#2331 opened by HiPhish - 2
- and + behave inconsistently
#2329 opened by Golden-Phy - 1
Pattern parser not hinting at missing comma
#2328 opened by Golden-Phy - 1
Bad function signature leads to 'EXPECTING DEFINITION'
#2327 opened by Golden-Phy - 1
Suboptimal error for mising function arguments
#2326 opened by Golden-Phy - 1
Bug?: Confusing behaviour when combining `--optimize` with `--output=/dev/null`
#2324 opened by dave4420 - 1
- 1
Inaccurate information in installation instructions
#2321 opened by nacho00112 - 1
elm publish under zsh not printing error message
#2320 opened by jweir - 3
terminal/src/Develop/StaticFiles.hs:91:3: error: Exception when trying to run compile-time code: reactor: changeWorkingDirectory: does not exist
#2318 opened by juhp - 3
Error message should be more informative when integer literal is being used as both integer and float
#2317 opened by coreygirard - 4
Permission Denied Error Due to Unset `ELM_HOME` Environment Variable in `Stuff` Module
#2315 opened by blackeuler - 1
Issue with extensible records and unit type
#2314 opened by JonathanLorimer - 1
Send Bytes through ports
#2313 opened by cdevienne - 1
record extended with additional field not accepted as extensible record with record with same fields
#2312 opened by lue-bird - 8
Provide a 0.19.1 binary for linux_arm64 to be used in containers on Apple Silicon (M1)
#2283 opened by jsynacek - 1
Docker build fails with rejected dependency
#2311 opened by robert-figura - 9
What's the state of the Elm repo?
#2308 opened by NickSeagull - 3
Simplify type system
#2309 opened by pravdomil - 3
Clarify type syntax
#2310 opened by pravdomil - 8
elm-live dies hard when it cant find output files.
#2305 opened by thepowercare - 1
Package opvasger/comparable has been deleted & can no longer be installed
#2304 opened by smartermaths - 3
- 4
- 9
elm publish - tried to fetch "But it came back as 413 Request Entity Too Large"
#2299 opened by nunntom - 4
- 2
Identity type alias causes problems
#2298 opened by Heimdell - 2
- 1
Type annotation crashes the compiler
#2296 opened by az5112 - 1
- 2
Broken link?
#2294 opened by rkazak - 1
Re-releasing packages with different github usernames (and not v1.0.0) breaks package download endpoints
#2293 opened by jxlxx - 2
`type alias A a = a` should unify with `a`
#2292 opened by aforemny - 1
exposing variants → major version; should be minor
#2290 opened by lue-bird - 2
Display version to WinGet
#2289 opened by lcmuniz - 1
- 3
- 3
Dot notation for "Methods"
#2282 opened by Anderssorby - 1
- 2
- 2
Use a better error when using `true` and `false` instead of `True` and `False`
#2280 opened by SkyfallWasTaken - 1
Elm crashes while initializing elm-stuff on highly contended multithreaded CPU
#2279 opened by zwilias