
Login, registration and welcome page. A mini project to implement my basic DDL, DML, php, HTML, CSS and Javascript knowledge.

Primary LanguageHTML

Login Registration Pages

Project Overview

A robust mini web application designed to streamline user authentication and interaction. This project aims to provide a secure and user-friendly environment for account management and access control.

Live link: https://elmahygurl.github.io/Login-Registration-Pages/

Key Features

  • User Registration: Easily create a new account with a straightforward registration process. image

  • User Login: Seamlessly log in to an existing account with secure authentication mechanisms. image

  • Welcome Page: Upon successful login, users are greeted with a personalized welcome page, setting the stage for a tailored experience. image

Technologies and Tools

This mini project leverages a stack of powerful technologies and tools to deliver a reliable and efficient solution:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: PHP
  • Database: SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • Database Management: MySQL, MyPHPAdmin
  • Server Environment: XAMPP
  • Styling: CSS for aesthetically pleasing and responsive design
  • Interaction: JavaScript for enhanced user experience