
Spring Boot project for Book REST API

Primary LanguageJava


Spring Boot project for Book REST API.

This project is very simple and it is intended to show some architectural and implementation practices.


Some practices:

  • Use of Spring Boot.
  • Use of JPA/Hibernate to handle database connection.
  • Usage of JpaRepository as DAO layer.
  • Separation of concerns: usage of Service layer to connect REST and DAO.
  • Use of Spring Security with JDBC stored users/authorities.
  • Hashing of database-saved passwords.


To run the application, a database is needed.

In the directory mysql, one can find a YAML file for running a MySQL database, which is accessbile using Adminer as a UI on port 8088. Docker is needed for these to be run.

Just execute:

docker compose -f mysql-adminer.yml up -d

After accessing the dockerized database with the provided credentials, one can execute the scripts provided in the sql-scripts directory in the order indicated by the initial numbers. This will create a database structure to test the application.

The application can be built and run with the Maven wrapper provided in the repository:

./mvnw clean package
./mvnw spring-boot:run


  • Automatically run SQL scripts at database startup.
  • Dockerize Spring application.