
a Selenium WebDriver plugin for nose

Primary LanguagePython


A Selenium WebDriver plugin for nose.

Thank you to Dave Hunt for doing this work first for py.test in pytest-mozwebqa.

Currently, this plugin deals only with input parameters, and does not modify the results reporting in any way.

nosetests command line options

$ nosetests --with-nose-selenium --help
Usage: nosetests [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         Output nose version and exit
  -p, --plugins         Output list of available plugins and exit. Combine
                        with higher verbosity for greater detail
  -v, --verbose         Be more verbose. [NOSE_VERBOSE]
  --with-nose-selenium  Enable plugin NoseSelenium: None
  --config-file         Load options from ConfigParser compliant config file.
                        Values in config file will override values sent on the
                        command line.
                        Run the browser in this location (default ['local'],
                        options [local, remote, grid, sauce]). May be stored
                        in environmental variable SELENIUM_BROWSER_LOCATION.
  --browser=BROWSER     Run this type of browser (default ['FIREFOX'], options
                        for local [FIREFOX, INTERNETEXPLORER, CHROME], options
                        for remote/grid/sauce [ANDROID, CHROME, FIREFOX,
                        IPHONE, OPERA, PHANTOMJS, SAFARI]). May be stored in
                        environmental variable SELENIUM_BROWSER.
  --build=str           build identifier (for continuous integration). Only
                        used for sauce.
                        Run this version of the browser. (default:  implies
  --os=OS               Run the browser on this operating system. (default:
                        none, options [windows, mac, linux], required for grid
                        or sauce)
  --grid-address=str    host that selenium grid is listening on. (default: [])
                        May be stored in environmental variable
  --grid-port=num       port that selenium grid is listening on. (default:
  --remote-address=str  host that remote selenium server is listening on. May
                        be stored in environmental variable
  --remote-port=num     port that remote selenium server is listening on.
                        (default: 4444)
  --timeout=num         timeout (in seconds) for page loads, etc. (default:
  --sauce-username=str  username for sauce labs account. May be stored in
                        environmental variable SAUCE_USERNAME.
  --sauce-apikey=str    API Key for sauce labs account. May be stored in
                        environmental variable SAUCE_APIKEY.
  --saved-files-storage Full path to place to store screenshots and html dumps.
                        May be stored in environmental variable SAVED_FILES_PATH.

Example Commands

$ nosetests --with-nose-selenium --browser-location=local --browser=FIREFOX
$ nosetests --with-nose-selenium --browser-location=grid --grid-address= --os=linux --browser=CHROME
$ nosetests --with-nose-selenium --browser-location=remote --remote-address= --browser=HTMLUNIT
$ nosetests --with-nose-selenium --browser-location=sauce --os=windows --browser=INTERNETEXPLORER --sauce-username=<name> --sauce-apikey=<api_key>
$ nosetests --with-nose-selenium --config-file=selenium.conf

Writing test scripts with nose-selenium

Loading configuration from a config file ---------------------------------If you use the --config-file flag, the rest of the command-line flags will be ignored. The same defaults values for optional keys apply, and validation checking will be performed when involked from nosetests.

Example selenium.conf file

Not all keys are required for all configurations, read the command-line options section above for clues. Where values are provided, they are the defaults.

# remote or grid address
# remote or grid port

Inheriting from SeleniumTestCase

SeleniumTestCase creates the webdriver and stores it in self.wd in its setUp() and closes it in tearDown().

from nose_selenium import SeleniumTestCase

class MyTestCase(SeleniumTestCase):

    def test_that_google_opens(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.wd.title, "Google")

Using ScreenshotOnExceptionWebDriver

ScreenshotOnExceptionWebDriver is designed to take a screenshot, fetch the html, and log the url before reporting any WebDriverException. It excludes exceptions encountered by WebDriverWait's until() and until_not() methods.

Using ScreenshotOnExceptionWebDriverWait

If you want screenshots and html to be captured for TimeoutException-s raised by WebDriverWait, use ScreenshotOnExceptionWebDriverWait in its place.

Using build_webdriver in your test scripts

If you're not using test classes, you may use build_webdriver in the following manner. Its extra arguments are used to attach metadata to SauceLabs jobs and ignored if the browser is not being opened on SauceLabs.

from nose_selenium import build_webdriver

def test_that_google_opens():
    wd = build_webdriver(name="google opens", tags=['sanity'], public=False)
    assert wd.title == 'Google'

Using setup_selenium_from_config()

If you'd like to use ScreenshotOnExceptionWebDriver or ScreenshotOnExceptionWebDriverWait without using the nose framework, you can put its settings in a ConfigParser compliant file with a [SELENIUM] section and call setup_selenium_from_config with a ConfigParser instance which has read from this file. This will set up the variables so that build_webdriver can read them.

from nose_selenium import build_webdriver, setup_selenium_from_config
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

CONFIG = ConfigParser()

wd = build_webdriver()


If you use portions of this library without using nose, validity checking will not be performed.

Backwards Compatibility

As this code is in 'alpha' I will attempt but not promise backwards compatibility. Please leave me a note if you're using this plugin, as I am more likely to break backwards compatibility if I think I'm the only one using it.

Bugs and Feature Requests

I am aware that this plugin represents a minimal set of features. If there is something in particular you would like me to add, please check the issues list and create new issues or leave comments in existing ones.