Meteor Monzo Accounts

elmarti:accounts-monzo This package allows you to SSO (Single Sign on) into Monzo using OAuth2.


At the time of writing, the Monzo API is restricted to users who are explicitly whitelisted See the blog post

The Monzo API also only supports redirect style login and requires users to click a link in their email.

Getting started

Like most Meteor OAuth packages, this uses the ServiceConfiguration class to manage secure credentials, so get your Monzo ID and secret and do the following on the server side

Meteor.startup(() => {
      { service: "monzo" },
      { $set: { clientId: "client", secret: "secret" } }

Now you can call

//See documentation for the options interface<ExternalService>

Further Info

At the time of writing I can't fully vouch for the stability of this package, if you find anything that could be improved, please create an issue or even drop a PR :)