Six Pack Tracker(Back End)

This is the final capstone project required by Microverse. After finishing the whole program, they have picked this project for me to prove my technical knowledge in React/Redux and Ruby on Rails, you can find the requirement here

Six Pack Tracker is a 30 days workout app challenge. that, challenges the users to do a certain type of ABS exercises for 30 days, with a repetitions goal for every move in every day. This app also shows to the users their progress to motivate them to do more. You should also not that the app is not responsive for Desktop, you can open it only on mobile or tablet. This repository is the backend part of the app cause it's a Full Stack Application built using React/Redux and Ruby on Rails. You can find the frontend repository here.

Project Preview:

project images

Built With

  • Ruby;
  • Rails;
  • AWS S3 v1.71.1;
  • JWT;
  • Bcrypt;
  • PostgreSQL 1.2.3;
  • shoulda-matchers;
  • Rspec.

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Getting Started


Ruby v2.7.2, Rails v6.1.1, Postgres: >=9.5


install gems with

bundle install

Setup database with:

rails db:create
rails db:migrate


I used the S3 AWS service in order to store images. Therefore, I used SECRET KEYS stored in environment variables on my development and production servers.

  • So if you have AWS credentials create a file named application.yml inside config/, then past in your credentials like showing bellow:
    access_key_id: your_access_key_id_goes_here
    secret_access_key: your_secrect_access_key_goes_here

Run Tests

To run tests you can easily go to the root of the project and then run the following command:


You can also add your own test cases on the /spec directory.


Start server with:

rails s

Then open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser


👤 Zakariae El Mejdki

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.