
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hidden Markov Model and Viterbi Algorithm: An optimization using Numba and PyPy


What if we are given a sequence of observations over time, and we are interested in discovering the reason behind such a sequence, or predicting what the next state will be? In this article, we provide simple notes on the concept of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) -- a formalism to reason about states over time that is specifically aimed at decode a series of \textit{hidden} states from a series of observations. We also go through a fast decoding algorithm for HMM, called the \textit{Viterbi} algorithm, and implement in Python with the aid of \textit{just-in-time} (JIT) compilers to further improve the speed of the said algorithm.


It is recommended to create a virtual environment for using this repository.

$ virtualenv venv --python=python3 
$ source venv/bin/activate

Then, install the dependencies inside the virtual environment,

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the HMM on Dishonest Casino, the following are the program parameters,

usage: benchmark.py [-h] [-e EXECUTIONS] [-o OBSERVATION] [-r GENERATE_RANDOM]

Benchmarking HMM for Dishonest Casino

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit

The number of times to run the program.
The observed sequence.
The length of generated observed sequence.
Range of sequence lengths, e.g. (10, 100, 10) would
produce sequence lengths of 10 to 90 with delta=10.
-x EXPORT, --export EXPORT
Export the results to a file.

For the Profile HMM, the following are the parameters

usage: benchmarkf.py [-h] [-i INTERVAL [INTERVAL ...]] [-x EXPORT]

Benchmarking Profile HMM

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i INTERVAL [INTERVAL ...], --interval INTERVAL [INTERVAL ...]
                        Range of sequence lengths, e.g. (10, 100, 10) would
                        produce sequence lengths of 10 to 90 with delta=10.
  -x EXPORT, --export EXPORT
                        Export the results to a file.

In our study, we used the following arguments for benchmarking,

For HMM,

$ python3 benchmark.py --interval 10 100 10

For Profile HMM,

$ python3 benchmarkf.py --interval 1 20 1

The seed values are already set in both benchmarking modules for reproducibility of pseudorandomly generated sequences for testing.

To use our HMM implementations in a different Python program,

>>> from hmm.hmm_jhu import HMM
>>> hmm = HMM(transition_matrix: dict, emmision_matrx: dict, initial_probabilities: dict)
>>> hmm.viterbi(observation: str)