
Notifies you about new followers (and puts "thank you messages" for OBS to the file via command line utility).

Javascript API


npm install --save twitch-followers

In Node.js

const Notifier = require('twitch-followers');
const notifier = new Notifier('channel');

notifier.on('follower', user => { /* … */ });

In browser

It probably may be used from browser via browserify or similar tool. Let me know!

Constructor Options

Notifier accepts options object as its second argument. Supported props:

  • sinceId (Integer, defaults to -1) — will notify you about follows after this User ID.
  • timeoutMillis (Interger, defaults to 10000) — how often to query Twitch for new follows.

Command Line Tool


git clone
cd twitch-followers
npm install


node notifier <your channel> (i.e. node notifier elmigranto) will parse all your followers and thank them on initial run. After that, it will only notify your about new ones.

Files it uses:

// Thank you message for plugging into streaming software (OBS and others):

// For saving IDs of users it notified about: