
This is the official LogicMonitor pack.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

LogicMonitor Integration Pack

Pack which allows integration with your company's LogicMonitor Portal.

Overview and Setup

LogicMonitor now supports StackStorm as an official Integration!

You can now create a StackStorm Integration inside your LogicMonitor Portal which can be used to send your LogicMonitor Alerts to your StackStorm environment which provides a way for you to automate your response to any type of alert you receive.

The LogicMonitor Pack creates a webhook-sensor (a Flask server) that is launched on port 5000 on the machine where StackStorm is installed. You must allow internet traffic to reach port 5000 on the machine on which StackStorm has been installed.

This LogicMonitor Pack must be used in conjunction with a StackStorm Integration inside your LogicMonitor Portal:

  • Install the LogicMonitor Pack into your StackStorm environment.
    • Setup the pack's configuration file.
      • Requires your company name as it exists in your LogicMonitor URL.
      • Requires a valid LogicMonitor API Access ID and Access Key pair.
  • Create a StackStorm Integration in your LogicMonitor Portal.
    • Settings -> Integrations -> Add -> StackStorm
    • Requires a StackStorm API Key and the URL to your StackStorm environment.

The LogicMonitor Pack includes a set of Rules that can fire an action when an alert of a certain type is sent to StackStorm.

The LogicMonitor Pack includes a set of Actions that make REST Requests to your LogicMonitor Portal.

Everything in this section is described in more detail below.


If you wish to use this pack to manage collector down alerts you will need to update the payload in LogicMonitor to include the alert_url there is an example in the examples folder.

Configuration File

Copy the example configuration in logicmonitor.yaml.example to /opt/stackstorm/configs/logicmonitor.yaml and edit as required.

It must contain:

  • company - The name of your company as seen in your LogicMonitor portal's url.

    For example, if your company's name is "Example Company" and you access your portal at example.logicmonitor.com then this field should be "example".

  • access_id - Your LogicMonitor portal's API Access ID.

    NOTE: The LogicMonitor Pack includes a set of Actions that make REST requests to your LogicMonitor Portal using the LogicMonitor Python SDK. Therefore, it requires a valid LogicMonitor API Access ID and Access Key.

    You can create an Access ID and Access Key Pair in your LogicMonitor Portal by going to Settings -> Users & Roles -> API Tokens -> LMv1 -> Add.

  • access_key (SECRET) - Your LogicMonitor portal's API Access Key.

    WARNING: access_key is a secret value so don't save it in /opt/stackstorm/configs/logicmonitor.yaml directly as clear text. Instead, use StackStorm's dynamic configuration values to populate the access_key field.

    NOTE: When using the st2 key set key_name key_value command to create a dynamic configuration value:

    • Be sure to encrypt the value by using the --encrypt flag.
    • Use -- after the last flag to indicate to the compiler the end of flag-processing. This guarantees that all API Access Keys generated by LogicMonitor will be accepted by the command.

    The final command to generate a dynamic configuration value should look something like this:
    st2 key set --scope=user --encrypt -- lm_access_key "{k%J7I(Gkf^5sgH8tdT=85485fX-}V2z4gkCfkPH"

    Once a dynamic configuration value has been created you must reference it in your configuration file using "{{st2kv.user.key_name}}".

    Read the documentation to ensure you understand how dynamic configuration values work.

    NOTE: The LogicMonitor Pack includes a set of Actions that make REST requests to your LogicMonitor Portal using the LogicMonitor Python SDK. Therefore, it requires a valid LogicMonitor API Access ID and Access Key.

    You can create an Access ID and Access Key Pair in your LogicMonitor Portal by going to Settings -> Users & Roles -> API Tokens -> LMv1 -> Add.

  • auth_enabled - True or false, defaults to true.

    If enabled, this authenticates all requests made to StackStorm using the StackStorm API Key entered into your StackStorm Integration in your LogicMonitor portal. Set this to false to make testing easier. If this is set to false, you can enter a dummy value into your StackStorm Integration's "StackStorm Api Key" field.

    WARNING: We strongly recommend setting auth_enabled to true for production.

Note : When modifying the configuration in /opt/stackstorm/configs/ please remember to tell StackStorm to load these new values by running st2ctl reload --register-configs

Sensor & Port 5000 & Networking

The LogicMonitor Pack launches a sensor (a Flask server) on port 5000. Be sure to modify your network settings to allow internet traffic to reach port 5000 on the machine on which StackStorm has been installed.

If you need to restart your sensor-webhook on port 5000, use the st2 pack register logicmonitor command from the terminal. If that fails, try st2ctl reload.

LogicMonitor REST API Access ID and Key

As mentioned, the LogicMonitor Pack comes with a number of Actions (listed further below) that make REST requests to your LogicMonitor Portal using the LogicMonitor Python SDK . Therefore, it requires a valid LogicMonitor API Access ID and Access Key .

You can create an Access ID and Access Key Pair in your LogicMonitor portal by going to Settings -> Users & Roles -> API Tokens -> LMv1 -> Add.

As discussed further above, you must enter a valid LogicMonitor API Access ID and Access Key Pair into your /opt/stackstorm/configs/logicmonitor.yaml configuration file.

  • The Access ID is entered into the configuration file's access_idfield.
  • The Access Key is a SECRET that is should be entered into the configuration file's access_key field using StackStorm's dynamic configuration values . The access key should never be exposed or visible in any files or logs.

Sensor & StackStorm API Key & Payload

The LogicMonitor Pack launches a sensor on port 5000 that authenticates every request with StackStorm using a StackStorm API Key.

The StackStorm API Key must be generated in StackStorm and then copy/pasted into your LogicMonitor StackStorm Integration's "StackStorm Api Key" field.

To create a new StackStorm Integration in your LogicMonitor Portal go to Settings -> Integrations -> Add -> StackStorm.

WARNING: The StackStorm API Key is stored in the "apiKey" object in the payload of the POST Request sent out by your LogicMonitor StackStorm Integration. Therefore, the "apiKey" object must exist in every POST payload you send to StackStorm. Authentication with StackStorm will fail if by default if you remove the "apiKey" object from the payload.

You can view and modify the POST Request's payload sent by your LogicMonitor StackStorm Integration at the bottom of the StackStorm Integration dialog.

Create a StackStorm Integration inside your LogicMonitor Portal

As mentioned, you need to create a StackStorm Integration inside your LogicMonitor Portal for this pack to work.

To create a new StackStorm Integration in your LogicMonitor Portal go to Settings -> Integrations -> Add -> StackStorm. Once the StackStorm Integration has been created, it requires:

  • A URL to port 5000 of the machine where you installed StackStorm.
  • A valid StackStorm API Key for authentication.

Once the StackStorm Integration has been saved, setup an Escalation Chain and an Alert Rule so that alerts can be sent to your StackStorm environment.

Sensor -> Trigger -> Rule -> Action

Once an alert payload has been successfully authenticated with StackStorm, the sensor will inject the logicmonitor.alert_trigger trigger with the alert payload into StackStorm. The purpose of injecting the trigger with the concomitant payload is to fire a custom Action if the conditions in a Rule are satisfied. In that regard, the LogicMonitor Pack has provided a number of Rules (disabled by default) that fire an Action based on the type of alert being sent:


  • alert_throttling_alert_rule.yaml - Maps Alert Throttling Alerts (LMT) to an action
  • collector_failover_alert_rule.yaml - Maps Collector Failover Alerts (LMF) to an action
  • collector_failover_unreachable_alert_rule.yaml - Maps Collector Failover Unreachable Alerts ( LMF) to an action
  • collector_unreachable_alert_rule.yaml - Maps Collector Unreachable Alerts (LMA) to an action
  • configsource_alert_rule.yaml - Maps ConfigSource Alerts (LMD) to an action
  • datasource_alert_rule.yaml - Maps DataSource Alerts (LMD) to an action
  • devicegroup_alert_rule.yaml - Maps DeviceGroups Alerts (LMHC) to an action
  • eventsource_alert_rule.yaml - Maps EventSource Alerts (LME) to an action
  • jobmonitor_alert_rule.yaml - Maps JobMonitor Alerts (LMB) to an action
  • lmlogs_alert_rule.yaml - Maps LM Log Alerts (LML) to an action
  • service_alert_rule.yaml - Maps Service Alerts (LMS) to an action

NOTE: All of these Rules are disabled by default. Enable them inside the Rule's .yaml file if you wish to use them.

NOTE: All of these Rules fire the get_alert_list dummy action by default. Be sure to modify the Action that gets fired when a Rule's criteria is satisfied by changing the Action reference inside that Rule's .yaml file.

Available Actions

The LogicMonitor Pack also comes with a large (but not exhaustive) number of Actions that make their corresponding REST Requests to your LogicMonitor Portal. On a high level, the list of actions the currently exist in the pack are:

  • Acknowledge Alert By ID
  • Get Alert By ID
  • Get Alert List
  • ( Add, Delete, Get, Patch ) x Admin
  • ( Add, Delete, Get, Patch ) x Alert Rule
  • ( Add, Delete, Get, Patch ) x Collector
  • ( Add, Delete, Get, Patch ) x Device
  • ( Add, Delete, Get, Patch ) x Device Group
  • ( Add, Delete, Get, Patch ) x Escalation Chain
  • ( Add, Delete, Get, Patch ) x Ops Note
  • ( Add, Delete, Get, Patch ) x SDT

More specifically, the LogicMonitor Pack has provided these Actions:

  • ack_alert_by_id
  • ack_collector_down_alert_by_id
  • add_admin
  • add_alert_rule
  • add_collector
  • add_device
  • add_device_group
  • add_escalation_chain
  • add_ops_note
  • add_sdt
  • delete_admin_by_id
  • delete_alert_rule_by_id
  • delete_collector_by_id
  • delete_device_by_id
  • delete_device_group_by_id
  • delete_escalation_chain_by_id
  • delete_ops_note_by_id
  • delete_sdt_by_id
  • get_admin_by_id
  • get_admin_list
  • get_alert_by_id
  • get_alert_list
  • get_alert_rule_by_id
  • get_alert_rule_list
  • get_collector_by_id
  • get_collector_list
  • get_device_by_id
  • get_device_group_by_id
  • get_device_group_list
  • get_device_list
  • get_escalation_chain_by_id
  • get_escalation_chain_list
  • get_ops_note_by_id
  • get_ops_note_list
  • get_sdt_by_id
  • get_sdt_list
  • patch_admin_by_id
  • patch_alert_rule_by_id
  • patch_collector_by_id
  • patch_device
  • patch_device_group_by_id
  • patch_escalation_chain_by_id

NOTE: All of these Actions correspond to REST functions that exist in the LogicMonitor Python SDK of the same name. For example, the patch_escalation_chain_by_id Action will fire the patchEscalationChainById function in the LM Python SDK.

NOTE: All of these Actions call the same /opt/stackstorm/packs/logicmonitor/actions/run.py method but with different parameters.

NOTE: We did not include every action that exists in the LogicMonitor Python SDK.

If you need to use an action/function from the LM Python SDK but it hasn't been included in the pack, copy/paste an existing action and modify it to call the corresponding function from the LM Python SDK. Be sure to refer to the documentation to see the list of parameters needed for the specific function you intend on using.

Using the result of an API call within a action

Within your action using get_device_by_id as an example, if you wanted to get the device name from the result you would use task(task1).result.result._name all objects returned from the API are available under result.result

Thank you for downloading the LogicMonitor Pack!