
A standard way of expressing the relation between elements in an outline format

JSON Outline Schema

JSON Outline Schema is a standard way of expressing and storing the relation between objects. It gives you a simple way of linking data together to form an outline of related concepts / entities. Here is an example of a JSON Outline schema entity:

  "id": "unique-id-of-the-item-1",
  "indent": "1",
  "location": "name-of-some-file-or-location.html",
  "slug": "name-of-some-path-in-the-url",
  "order": "0",
  "parent": "unique-id-of-the-parent",
  "title": "Name of some file or location",
  "metadata": {}

This gives you enough data to visually represent this information in an outline form. Let's look at a larger example of 3 items related together which would express nested hierarchy in a consistent way:

  "id": "123-ddc-d321d-d2e-dd2",
  "title": "My outline",
  "author": "LRNWebComponents",
  "description": "A series of related material to teach you about the structure of content.",
  "license": "by-sa",
  "metadata": {},
  "items": [
      "id": "item-1",
      "indent": "1",
      "location": "outline.html",
      "slug": "outline",
      "order": "0",
      "parent": null,
      "title": "Outline",
      "description": "A description at a glance of this item potentially",
      "metadata": {
        "icon": "icons:view-quilt"
      "id": "item-2",
      "indent": "2",
      "location": "introduction.html",
      "slug": "introduction",
      "order": "0",
      "parent": "item-1",
      "title": "Introduction to outlines",
      "description": "A description at a glance of this item potentially",
      "metadata": {}
      "id": "item-3",
      "indent": "2",
      "location": "files/a-2nd-page-item.html",
      "slug": "a-2nd-page-item",
      "order": "1",
      "parent": "item-1",
      "title": "An item in an outline",
      "description": "A description at a glance of this item potentially",
      "metadata": {}

Let's break down thes properties and why we have them in the schema:

Higher order schema

  • title - name of the work as a whole
  • author - who created this work
  • description - short description of the work to explain it
  • license - a valid license short hard for the work as a whole
  • metadata - area to storing any additional details about the work. This has no standard structure but could be used for relating work if needed.
  • id - a unique identifier for this work in the universe of all works
  • items - an array of schema elements which contain the pages / leaves of the structure of this outline

Leaf / page element within the structure

  • id - the UUID / unique ID of the element
  • indent - How far to visually position the item inward. You could have something be the parent as a page but visually only be indented 2 levels
  • location - a file or resource that references the related data to display here
  • slug - a uri portion that is how this resource should be presented on the web. Can be same as location but allows abstraction away from the actual location of the file via this attribute
  • order - a weighting as to the order relative to other items that match this parent level
  • parent - a UUID / unique ID of the element this is a child of
  • title - title of this item to display
  • description - short description of the item to explain it
  • metadata - a container for any additional details of information you need to ship. This has no standard structure