
This repo is made up of an LRN Developer Docker image and a hello-world example Polymer element. The LRN Developer image contains node, polymer-cli, bower, and lrndeveloper to assist in the creation of new Polymer elements and applications. It is HIGHLY recomended that you utilize the Docker installation process for Polymer training. This will allow you to follow along with the trainers.


Docker (recommended)

Install Docker from the official Docker website. Either Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows. Once Docker has been installed, open the application to allow it to run.

Verify that you have Docker installed by running:


Verify that you have Docker Compose install by running:


If you did not receive any errors then that means you've installed it correctly and can move on to installing Git. :)

Manual Installation (not recommended)

In case you can't install Docker or prefer not to here.


Install Git from https://git-scm.com/

Verify that you have Git installed by running:


Get the docker container to start

Once you have Git installed, git clone the polymerday repo.

git clone https://github.com/LRNWebComponents/polymer-training.git
cd polymer-training

Start Docker containers:

make start

Verify Installation

You should be able to see a "hello-world" element at http://localhost:8082/components/hello-world

Connect to the docker container to make a new project

Leave this running and open a new command prompt.

cd polymer-training
make connect

Choose option 1 to make a new boiler plate Polymer 1.x.x hybrid element.


We recommend using the Visual Studio Code IDE. They have a number of plugins that are really handy for Polymer development. Definitely not required but we really like it. :)


Why Polymer & Web components? Why now?

  • Presentation: The history of web based platforms (@btopro) (35 min)
  • Getting Polymer tooling setup (@hey__mp and anyone else who can help out)

Getting into polymer

Start Docker Services

  • Start all Services
    • make start

Making a hello-world element (@hey__mp)


  • utilize a public API -- https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?media_type=image&q=
  • utilize iron-ajax to make request to NASA API
  • utilize template-repeat to display a list of images
  • utilize paper-input to make search input