
Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Merged project of Dr. Karen Collins' AstroImageJ.

Developer Instructions

General Use

Clone the repo locally, then run gradlew packageAij[For<Your-OS-Here>] (leave off what is in square brackets to generate all of them) in the repo's folder. The built zip(s) will appear in your-project-root/build/distributions. To build only ij.jar or astronomy_.jar, run gradlew :ij:build or gradlew :Astronomy_:build, respectively.

To run AIJ, use gradlew aijRun. The generated directory, AIJ-Run, will contain the generated version of AIJ.

Special Options

The tasks copyBuiltJars and runAij are configured through text files in the project root, jarLocation.txt and devLaunchOptions.txt, respectively. Both files are ignored by git and will not be commited to the repo. Spelling and case sensitive.

jarLocation.txt contains the absolute path to an AIJ distribution, so that development builds can be tested on a medium-term basis without using Gradle or and IDE to update it each time. When developing in Intellij Idea, if this file is present, the copyBuiltJars task will be run automatically when the hammer icon is clicked.

devLaunchOptions.txt contains the Java launch arguments, eg. -Xmx5000m -Xms256m, the same as the config file AstroImageJ.cfg does for normal installations of AIJ. If present, these options are used in place of the defaults for runAij.

Use in Intellij Idea:

In Idea, go to File > New > Project From Version Control (If it has not opened to a project, select 'Get from Version Control' on the Welcome window.) Enter https://github.com/keastrid/astroimagej for the URL, and direct the path to where you want the project, then click 'clone'. If you had a project open, it will ask you which window to open AIJ in, choose your preference.

Once open, it may notify you that it doesn't have a JDK - if that is so, click the bar and point AIJ to your JDK, or you can have it install one for you.

On the right-hand side, you will see a button labelled 'Gradle' with a little elephant on top. Clicking it wil open the Gradle sidebar. Navigate to AIJ-Merged > Tasks > build > astroimagej development. Double-click on runAij to build and run the project. To build the project, double-click on any of the packageAij tasks. The built zip(s) will appear in your-project-root/build/distributions. To build only ij.jar or astronomy_.jar, navigate to the build commands under their respective modules (instead of Tasks > ..., it will be ij > ... or Astronomy_ > ...). The built jar will be in your-project-root//build/libs.