
Python client for UpCloud's API

Primary LanguagePython


Python client for UpCloud's API.

NOTE: This Python client is still work-in-progress and is not considered production ready.


  • OOP based management of Servers, Storages and IP-addresses with full CRUD.
  • Clear way to define your infrastructure, emphasis on clear and easy syntax
  • Access all the data of the objects ( e.g. ssh credentials )
  • Scale horizontally by creating / destroying servers
  • Scale vertically by changing the RAM, CPU, storage specs of any server


  • Cloning of storages
  • Full management of special storage types:
    • CDROMs, custom OS templates
    • custom templates can already be cloned to a disk via UUID
  • Full management of Firewall rules (per server on/off supported at the moment)
    • defining a server's L2 firewall's rules through the API client
  • Full management of backups (instant and scheduled)
  • IPv6 support


Note that operations are not instant, for example a server is not fully shut down when the API responds. You must take this into account in your automations.

Defining and creating Servers

import upcloud
import upcloud.Server
import upcloud.Storage
import upcloud.ZONE

manager = upcloud.CloudManager("api_user", "password")
manager.authenticate() # test credentials

cluster = {
	"web1": Server( core_number = 1, # CPU cores
					memory_amount = 512, # RAM in MB
					hostname = "web1.example.com", 
					zone = ZONE.London, # Zone.Helsinki and Zone.Chicago available also
					storage_devices = [
				        # OS: Ubuntu 14.04 from template
				        # default tier: maxIOPS, the 100k IOPS storage backend
						Storage(os = "Ubuntu 14.04", size=10), 
						# secondary storage, hdd for reduced cost
						Storage(size=100, tier="hdd") 
	"web2": Server( core_number = 1, 
					memory_amount = 512, 
					hostname = "web2.example.com", 
					zone = ZONE.London, 
					storage_devices = [
						Storage(os = "Ubuntu 14.04", size=10), 
						Storage(size=100, tier="hdd"),

	"db":	Server( core_number = 2, 
					memory_amount = 2048, 
					hostname = "db.example.com", 
					zone = ZONE.London, 
					storage_devices = [
						Storage(os = "Ubuntu 14.04", size=10),

	"lb":	Server( core_number = 2, 
					memory_amount = 1024, 
					hostname = "balancer.example.com", 
					zone = ZONE.London, 
					storage_devices = [
						Storage(os = "Ubuntu 14.04", size=10)

for server in cluster:
  manager.create_server( server ) # automatically populates the Server objects with data from API

Stop / Start / Destroy Servers

for server in cluster:
	# OR: 
	# OR: 
	for storage in server.storage_devices: 

Upgrade a Server

server = cluster["web1"]
server.core_number = 4
server.memory_amount = 4096

GET resources:

servers     = manager.get_servers()
server1     = manager.get_server(UUID) # e.g servers[0].uuid
storages    = manager.get_storages()
storage1    = manager.get_storage(UUID) # e.g sever1.storage_devices[0].uuid
ip_addrs    = manager.get_IPs()
ip_addr     = manager.get_IP(address) # e.g server1.ip_addresses[0].address


Tests located in project_root/tests/ directory. Run with:

py.test tests/


Documentation available here