
Go Kafka Client Mesos Framework

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

go_kafka_client Mesos Framework

Build Status

Description Installation

Typical operations

Navigating the CLI


This framework aims to simplify running all sorts of software built on top of go_kafka_client on Mesos. Being actively developed right now.

Right now this framework supports running only the mirror maker.



Install go 1.5 (or higher) http://golang.org/doc/install

Install glide:

  go get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide

Clone and build the project

# git clone https://github.com/elodina/go-kafka-client-mesos.git
# cd go-kafka-client-mesos
# glide install
# go build cli.go
# go build executor.go    

Scheduler configuration

# ./cli help scheduler
Usage: scheduler [options]

    --master: Mesos Master addresses.
    --api: API host:port for advertizing.
    --user: Mesos user. Defaults to current system user.
    --storage: Storage for cluster state. Examples: file:go_kafka_client_mesos.json; zk:master:2181/go-mesos.
    --log.level: Log level. trace|debug|info|warn|error|critical. Defaults to info.
    --framework.name: Framework name.
    --framework.role: Framework role.
    --framework.timeout: Framework failover timeout.

Quick start

In order not to pass the API url to each CLI call lets export the URL as follows:

# export GM_API=http://master:6666

First lets start 1 mirror maker task with the default settings. Further in the readme you can see how to change these from the defaults.

# ./cli add mirrormaker 0 --executor=executor
Added tasks 0

    type: mirrormaker
    id: 0
    state: inactive
    cpu: 0.50
    mem: 512.00
      num.producers: 1
      num.streams: 1
      queue.size: 10000

You now have a cluster with 1 task that is not started.

# ./cli status
    type: mirrormaker
    id: 0
    state: inactive
    cpu: 0.50
    mem: 512.00
      queue.size: 10000
      num.producers: 1
      num.streams: 1

Each mirror maker task requires some basic configuration.

# ./cli update 0 --producer.config producer.config --consumer.config consumer.config --whitelist "^mytopic$"
Configuration updated:

    type: mirrormaker
    id: 0
    state: inactive
    cpu: 0.50
    mem: 512.00
      num.producers: 1
      num.streams: 1
      queue.size: 10000
      consumer.config: consumer.config
      producer.config: producer.config
      whitelist: ^mytopic$

Now lets start the task. This call to CLI will block until the task is actually started but will wait no more than a configured timeout. Timeout can be passed via --timeout flag and defaults to 30s. If a timeout of 0ms is passed CLI won't wait for tasks to start at all and will reply with "Scheduled tasks ..." message.

# ./cli start 0
Started tasks 0

    type: mirrormaker
    id: 0
    state: running
    cpu: 0.50
    mem: 512.00
    task id: mirrormaker-0-e5ab7581-1c31-d85d-ff14-77b5fb3de4d4
    slave id: 20150914-091943-84125888-5050-10717-S1
    executor id: mirrormaker-0
      hostname: slave0
      consumer.config: consumer.config
      producer.config: producer.config
      whitelist: ^mytopic$
      num.producers: 1
      num.streams: 1
      queue.size: 10000

By now you should have a single mirror maker instance running. Here's how you stop it:

# ./cli stop 0
Stopped tasks 0

And remove:

# ./cli remove 0
Removed tasks 0

Typical operations

Shutting down framework

While the scheduler has a shutdown hook it doesn't actually finish the framework. To shutdown the framework completely (e.g. unregister it in Mesos) you may shoot a POST to /teardown specifying the framework id to shutdown:

# curl -d frameworkId=20150807-094500-84125888-5050-14187-0005 -X POST http://master:5050/teardown

Navigating the CLI

Requesting help

# ./cli help
  help: show this message
  scheduler: start scheduler
  add: add task
  update: update configuration
  start: start task
  status: get current cluster status
  stop: stop task
  remove: remove task
Get detailed help from ./cli help <command>

Adding tasks to the cluster

# ./cli help add
Usage: add <type> <id-expr> [options]


    --executor: Executor binary name.
    --api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.
    --cpu: CPUs per task. Defaults to 0.5.
    --mem: Mem per task. Defaults to 512.
    --constraints: Constraints (hostname=like:^master$,rack=like:^1.*$).

id-expr examples:
    0      - task 0
    0,1    - tasks 0,1
    0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
    0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
    *      - all tasks in cluster

constraint examples:
    like:slave0    - value equals 'slave0'
    unlike:slave0  - value is not equal to 'slave0'
    like:slave.*   - value starts with 'slave'
    unique         - all values are unique
    cluster        - all values are the same
    cluster:slave0 - value equals 'slave0'
    groupBy        - all values are the same
    groupBy:3      - all values are within 3 different groups

Configuring tasks in the cluster

All file-related configs should be set as file names located . (e.g. setting --producer.config producer.properties) OR http/https URLs (e.g. Please note that http URLs MUST end with file name to be downloaded as Mesos does not respect Content-Disposition header.

# ./cli help update
Usage: update <id-expr> [options]

    --api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.
    --cpu: CPUs per task.
    --mem: Mem per task.
    --constraints: Constraints (hostname=like:^master$,rack=like:^1.*$).
    --whitelist: Regex pattern for whitelist. Providing both whitelist and blacklist is an error.
    --blacklist: Regex pattern for blacklist. Providing both whitelist and blacklist is an error.
    --producer.config: Producer config url or file name.
    --consumer.config: Consumer config url or file name.
    --num.producers: Number of producers.
    --num.streams: Number of consumption streams.
    --preserve.partitions: Preserve partition number. E.g. if message was read from partition 5 it'll be written to partition 5.
    --preserve.order: E.g. message sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will remain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in destination topic.
    --prefix: Destination topic prefix.")
    --queue.size: Maximum number of messages that are buffered between the consumer and producer.
    --options: Additional options for executor, separated by ';'.
id-expr examples:
    0      - task 0
    0,1    - tasks 0,1
    0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
    0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
    *      - all tasks in cluster
constraint examples:
    like:slave0    - value equals 'slave0'
    unlike:slave0  - value is not equal to 'slave0'
    like:slave.*   - value starts with 'slave'
    unique         - all values are unique
    cluster        - all values are the same
    cluster:slave0 - value equals 'slave0'
    groupBy        - all values are the same
    groupBy:3      - all values are within 3 different groups

Starting tasks in the cluster

# ./cli help start
Usage: start <id-expr> [options]

    --api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.
    --timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait until the task receives Running status.
id-expr examples:
    0      - task 0
    0,1    - tasks 0,1
    0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
    0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
    *      - all tasks in cluster

Stopping tasks in the cluster

# ./cli help stop
Usage: stop <id-expr> [options]

    --api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.
id-expr examples:
    0      - task 0
    0,1    - tasks 0,1
    0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
    0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
    *      - all tasks in cluster

Removing tasks from the cluster

# ./cli help remove
Usage: remove <id-expr> [options]

    --api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.
id-expr examples:
    0      - task 0
    0,1    - tasks 0,1
    0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
    0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
    *      - all tasks in cluster

Cluster status

# ./cli help status
Usage: status [options]

    --api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.