
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meet App

A web app leveraging the Google Calendar API to show, filter and sort upcoming events based on specific topics and location.

Features, user stories, and scenarios:

Feature 1: Filter Events By City

Scenario 1:

When user hasn’t searched for a city, show upcoming events from all cities.

  • Given user hasn’t searched for any city;
  • When the user opens the app;
  • Then the user should see a list of upcoming events.

Scenario 2:

User should see a list of suggestions when they search for a city.

  • Given the main page is open;
  • When user starts typing in the city textbox;
  • Then the user should receive a list of cities (suggestions) that match what they’ve typed.

Scenario 3:

User can select a city from the suggested list.

  • Given user was typing “Berlin” in the city textbox AND the list of suggested cities is showing;
  • When the user selects a city (e.g., “Berlin, Germany”) from the list;
  • Then their city should be changed to that city (i.e., “Berlin, Germany”) AND the user should receive a list of upcoming events in that city.

Feature 2: Show/Hide Event Details

Scenario 1:

An event element is collapsed by default.

  • Given user has applied a search filter;
  • When the list of event elements load;
  • Then the event elements should be collapsed by default.

Scenario 2:

User can expand an event to see details.

  • Given user is shown a list of events;
  • When a collapsed event element is clicked;
  • Then the event element should expand to display more information.

Scenario 3:

User can collapse an event to hide details.

  • Given user is shown a list of events;
  • When an expanded event element is clicked;
  • Then the event element should collapse to hide the additional information.

Feature 3: Specify Number of Events Displayed

Scenario 1:

When user hasn’t specified a number, 32 events are shown by default.

  • Given user is shown multiple events at the same time;
  • When user hasn’t specified a number;
  • Then 32 events are shown simultaneously by default.

Scenario 2:

User can change the number of events displayed.

  • Given user is shown multiple events at the same time;
  • When user has specified a number;
  • Then the specified amount of events are shown simultaneously.

Feature 4: Use the App When Offline

Scenario 1:

Show cached data when there’s no internet connection.

  • Given user is shown multiple events at the same time;
  • When user has lost their internet connection;
  • Then cached data is shown.

Scenario 2:

Show error when user changes search settings (city, number of events).

  • Given user is changing search settings;
  • When user has lost internet connection;
  • Then show network error message.

Feature 5: Add an App Shortcut to the Home Screen

Scenario 1:

User can install the meet app as a shortcut on their device home screen.

  • Given user requests an app shortcut;
  • When the OS prompt is confirmed;
  • Then app shortcut gets installed on the homescreen/desktop.

Feature 6: Display Charts Visualizing Event Details

Scenario 1:

Show a chart with the number of upcoming events in each city.

  • Given user is on the homepage;
  • When the chart loads;
  • Then visualize the number of upcoming events in each city.