Enhanced Strawberry integration with Django.
Built on top of strawberry-django integration, enhancing its overall functionality.
- All supported features by
. - Query optimizer extension that automatically optimizes querysets
) to solve graphqlN+1
problems, with support for fragment spread, inline fragments,@include
directives, prefetch merging, etc - Django choices enums using support for better enum typing (requires django-choices-field)
- Permissioned resolvers using schema directives, supporting both django authentication system, direct and per-object permission checking for backends that implement those (e.g. django-guardian).
- Mutations for Django, with CRUD support and automatic errors validation.
- Relay support for queries, connections and input mutations, all integrated with django types directly.
- Django Debug Toolbar integration with graphiql to display metrics like SQL queries
- Improved sync/async resolver that priorizes the model's cache to avoid have to use sync_to_async when not needed.
- A well typed and documented API.
Install it with pip:
pip install strawberry-django-plus
Since this lib has a long name, it does provide a shortcut called gql
where all of
strawberry's API and ours can be accessed.
from strawberry_django_plus import gql
# All strawberry's base api can be found directly on gql, like:
gql.type # same as strawberry.type
gql.field # same as strawberry.field
# The strawberry-django API and our custom implementation can be found on gql.django, like:
# We also have a custom relay implementation in here:
The automatic optimization is enabled by adding the DjangoOptimizerExtension
to your
strawberry's schema config.
import strawberry
from strawberry_django_plus.optimizer import DjangoOptimizerExtension
schema = strawberry.Schema(
# other extensions...
Now consider the following:
# models.py
class Artist(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
class Album(models.Moodel):
name = models.CharField()
release_date = models.DateTimeField()
artist = models.ForeignKey("Artist", related_name="albuns")
class Song(models.Model):
name = model.CharField()
duration = models.DecimalField()
album = models.ForeignKey("Album", related_name="songs")
# schema.py
from strawberry_django_plus import gql
class ArtistType:
name: auto
albums: "List[AlbumType]"
class AlbumType:
name: auto
release_date: auto
artist: ArtistType
songs: "List[SongType]"
class SongType:
name: auto
duration: auto
album_type: AlbumType
class Query:
artist: Artist = gql.django.field()
songs: List[SongType] = gql.django.field()
This query for the artist field:
artist {
albums {
songs {
Will generate an optimized query like this:
Artist.objects.all().only("id", "name").prefetch_related(
queryset=Album.objects.all().only("id", "name").prefetch_related(
Song.objects.all().only("id", "name"),
Querying a song and its related fields like this:
song {
artist {
albums {
Will generate an optimized query like this:
"album__release_date", # Note about this below
Album.objects.all().only("id", "name", "release_date"),
Note that even though album__release_date
field was not selected here, it got selected
in the prefetch query later. Since Django caches known objects, we have to select it here or
else it would trigger extra queries latter.
It is also possible to include hints for non-model fields using the field api or even our
(or its cached variation, @cached_model_property
) decorator on the model
itself, for people who likes to keep all the business logic at the model.
For example, the following will automatically optimize only
and select_related
if that
field gets selected:
from strawberry_django_plus import gql
class Song(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
@gql.model_property(only=["name", "album__name"], select_related=["album"])
def name_with_album(self) -> str:
return f"{self.album.name}: {self.name}"
class SongType:
name: auto
name_with_album: str
Another option would be to define that on the field itself:
class SongType:
name: auto
name_with_album: str = gql.django.field(
only=["name", "album__name"],
Convert choices fields into GraphQL enums by using Django Choices Field extension.
from django_choices_field import TexChoicesField
class Song(models.Model):
class Genre(models.TextChoices):
ROCK = "rock", "Rock'n'Roll"
METAL = "metal", "Metal"
OTHERS = "others", "Who Cares?"
genre = TextChoicesField(choices_enum=Genre)
In that example, a new enum called Genre
will be created and be used for queries
and mutations.
If you want to name it differently, decorate the class with @gql.enum
with your preferred
name so that this lib will not try to register it again.
Permissioning is done using schema directives by applying them to the fields that requires permission checking.
For example:
class SomeType:
login_required_field: RetType = strawberry.field(
# will check if the user is authenticated
perm_required_field: OtherType = strawberry.field(
# will check if the user has `"some_app.some_perm"` permission
obj_perm_required_field: OtherType = strawberry.field(
# will check the permission for the resolved value
Available options are:
: Checks if the user is authenticated (user.is_autenticated
: Checks if the user is a staff member (user.is_staff
: Checks if the user is a superuser (user.is_superuser
)HasPerm(perms: str, list[str], any: bool = True)
: Checks if the user has any or all of the given permissions (user.has_perm(perm)
)HasRootPerm(perms: str | list[str], any: bool = True)
: Checks if the user has any or all of the given permissions for the root of that field (user.has_perm(perm, root)
)HasObjPerm(perms: str | list[str], any: bool = True)
: Resolves the retval and then checks if the user has any or all of the given permissions for that specific value (user.has_perm(perm, retval)
). Note that if the return value is a list, this directive will filter the return value, removing objects that fails the check (check below for more information regarding other possibilities).
There are some important notes regarding how the directives handle the return value:
- If the user passes the check, the retval is returned normally
- If the user fails the check:
- If the return type was
, it returnsNone
- If the return type was a
, it returns an empty list - If the return type was a relay
, it returns an emptyConnection
- If the field is a union with
, that type is returned with a kind ofPERMISSION
, explaining why the user doesn't have permission to resolve that field. - Otherwise, it raises a
for that resolver, which will be available at the result'serrors
- If the return type was
Note that since strawberry
doesn't support resolvers for schema directives, it is necessary
to use this lib's custom extension that handles the resolution of those and any other custom
defined schema directive inherited from strawberry_django_plus.directives.SchemaDirectiveResolver
import strawberry
from strawberry_django_plus.directives import SchemaDirectiveExtension
schema = strawberry.Schema(
# other extensions...
This lib provides 3 CRUD mutations for create/update/delete operations, and also a facility
for creating custom mutations with automatic ValidationError
: Will create the model using the data from the given input, returning atypes.OperationInfo
if it fails with all raisedValidationError
: Will update the model using the data from the given input, returning atypes.OperationInfo
if it fails with all raisedValidationError
: Will delete the model using the id from the given input, returning atypes.OperationInfo
if it fails with all raisedValidationError
A simple complete example would be:
from strawberry_django_plus import gql
class SomeModelType(gql.Node):
name: gql.auto
class SomeModelInput:
name: gql.auto
class SomeModelInputPartial(gql.NodeInput):
name: gql.auto
class Mutation:
create_model: SomeModelType = gql.django.create_mutation(SomeModelInput)
update_model: SomeModelType = gql.django.update_mutation(SomeModelInputPartial)
delete_model: SomeModelType = gql.django.delete_mutation(gql.NodeInput)
It is possible to create custom model mutations with gql.django.input_mutation
, which will
automatically convert the arguments to a input type and mark the return value as a union
between the type annotation and types.OperationInfo
. The later will be returned if
the resolver raises ValidationError
For example:
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from strawberry_django_plus import gql
class Mutation:
def set_model_name(self, info, id: GlobalID, name: str) -> ModelType:
obj = id.resolve_node(info)
if obj.some_field == "some_value":
raise ValidationError("Cannot update obj with some_value")
obj.name = name
return obj
We have a custom relay spec implementation. It is not tied to Django at all to allow its usage with other types.
It provides types and fields for node and connection querying. For example:
# schema.py
from strawberry_django_plus import gql
from strawberry_django_plus.gql import relay
class Fruit(relay.Node):
name: str
def resolve_node(cls, node_id, info, required=False):
def resolve_nodes(cls, node_id, info, node_ids=False):
class Query:
fruit: Optional[Fruit] = relay.node()
fruits_connection: relay.Connection[Fruit] = relay.connection()
def fruits_connection_filtered(self, name_startswith: str) -> Iterable[Fruit]:
# Note that this resolver is special. It should not resolve the connection, but
# the iterable of nodes itself. Thus, any arguments defined here will be appended
# to the query, and the pagination of the iterable returned here will be
# automatically handled.
Will generate a schema like this:
interface Node {
id: GlobalID!
type Fruit implements Node {
id: GlobalID!
name: String!
type FruitEdge implements Node {
cursor: String!
node: Fruit
type FruitConnection {
edges: [ShipEdge!]!
pageInfo: PageInfo!
type PageInfo {
hasNextPage: Boolean!
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
startCursor: String
endCursor: String
type Query {
fruit(id: GlobalID!): Fruit
before: String
after: String
first: Int
last: Int
): FruitConnection
before: String
after: String
first: Int
last: Int
nameStartswith: String!
): FruitConnection
It is expected that types implementing the Node
interface define some methods, like
and resolve_node
. By default the id
field is used for the node id.
This is customizable with the id_attr
attribute. Take a look at
the documentation for more information.
Also note that Django fields created with @gql.django.type
automatically implements
all of the required methods when the type inherits from Node
By default the pk
field is used for the node id (overwrites the default id
field) but
can also be customized with the id_attr
This module also exposes a mutation that converts all of its arguments to a single input. For example:
class Mutation:
def create_fruit(name: str) -> Fruit:
Will generate those types:
input CreateFruitInput {
name: String!
type Mutation {
createFruit(input: CreateFruitInput!): Fruit
Install Django Debug Toolbar and change its middleware from:
We use poetry to manage dependencies, to get started follow these steps:
git clone https://github.com/blb-ventures/strawberry-django-plus
cd strawberry
poetry install
poetry run pytest
This will install all the dependencies (including dev ones) and run the tests.
We have a configuration for pre-commit, to add the hook run the following command:
pre-commit install
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.