PySCeS Markup Language Model Files


A collection of PySCeS Markup Language files and Python helper functions.


###PML Model Descriptions Ecology:

  • LV.psc : Basic Lotka-Volterra model
  • LV_queue.psc : Basic Lotka-Volterra model with queue-based predator creation
  • SILV.psc : Susceptible-Infected process with predation
  • TwoPreyLV.psc : Basic Lotka-Volterra model with two prey species
  • logisticLV.psc : Basic Lotka-Volterra model with logistic-growth of prey species
  • logisticLV_queue : Basic Lotka-Volterra model with logistic-growth of prey species and queue based predator creation.


  • SIR.psc : A basic SIR epidemic model with no demographics
  • SIR_BirthDeath.psc: A basic SIR epidemic model with demographics
  • cdiff_FT.psc : A model of fecal microbiota transplantation to prevent healthcare facility-associated C. difficile infection and recurrence.[1]
  • cdiff_FT_queue.psc : The fecal microbiota transplantation model with queue-based admissions and discharges.

###Known Bugs/Notes:

  • Birth/death model currently produces an integration error for some values of mu ~ 25000. This error can be reproduced in SciPy using odeint. SciPy's ode.integrate and R both solve the system just fine - this appears to be a fleeting stiffness problem. Haven't tried this with other PySCeS solvers.
  • LV.psc can result in very long run-times when simulated stochastically, due to exponential prey growth if the predator species experiences stochastic extinction.

###References [1] E.T. Lofgren et. al. A Mathematical Model to Evaluate the Routine Use of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation to Prevent Incident and Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Vol. 35, No. 1 (2014) pp. 18-27 http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/674394