
Data for the 2014 ebola outbeak in West Africa

Data for the 2014 Ebola outbeak in West Africa


  • country_timeseries.csv contains a time series of case counts and deaths is from the World Health Organization.
  • Sierraleone_country.csv and SierraLeone_town.csv is from the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health Facebook page.
  • liberia_data/ contains .csv files of data provided by the Liberia Ministry of Health.
  • liberia_data.py converts the liberia_data csv files into a multidimensional pandas dataframe. Pandas is a requirement for this script.


I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this data. These data are digitized by hand, so there may be data entry errors; there may also be changes and errors in the source data. I will provide updates when possible.

Pull requests welcome.


Caitlin Rivers