- 7
Connection closed despite successful command
#24 opened by auroraanna - 4
Update ahash version to above 0.8.9
#23 opened by eternalfrustation - 5
- 3
Added replay_gain_mode and replay_gain_status
#19 opened by kholthaus - 7
InvalidMessage when playing a song
#18 opened by Allavaz - 1
build failed
#17 opened by mvrozanti - 3
Add nicer List command implementation
#5 opened by elomatreb - 1
Add support for `sticker` commands
#13 opened by JakeStanger - 3
- 4
Getting state_changes fails with "you don't have permission for idle" on password protected MPD
#10 opened by dragonwit - 1
- 2
Comparison to async-mpd?
#6 opened by blakehawkins - 0
- 0
#1 opened by elomatreb