
Useful but unfinished functions for Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


CI Lifecycle:Experimental

Prototypes.jl is a placeholder package for some functions that I use in julia frequently.

So far the package provides one function to tabulate data in a dataframe and some custom logging function. Note that as the package grow in different directions, dependencies might become overwhelming. Feel c


Prototypes.jl is a not yet a registered package. You can install it from github via

import Pkg


Tabulate data

First import the monthly stock file and the compustat funda file

using DataFrames
using Prototypes
using PalmerPenguins

df = DataFrame(PalmerPenguins.load())

tabulate(df, :island)
tabulate(df, [:island, :species])

Custom Logging

Here is an example where you can create a custom logger and redirect logging to different files

custom_logger("file_to_log",                                  # where are the files generated
    filtered_modules=[:TranscodingStreams, :StatsModels],     # filtering msg only for debug
    absolute_filtered_modules=[:TranscodingStreams],          # filtering msg for all
    log_date_format="yyyy-mm-dd", log_time_format="HH:MM:SS", # date and time formatting
    displaysize=(50,100),                                     # how much to show
    overwrite=false                                           # overwrite old logs

# if you have run the previous example
@info tabulate(df, :island, out=:string)
@warn tabulate(df, :island, out=:df)
@debug tabulate(df, :island)