
Pytorch implementation for the MicroNet Challenge 2020

Primary LanguagePython

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Pytorch implementation of the MicroNet Challenge based on Pytorch Lightning.

Table of contents

To Do for Next Release

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New features:

Features Status Type
Fix validation accuracy computation issue DONE Bugfix
Add current learning rate in terminal TO DO Bugfix
Add test method in model & check best model DONE Feature
Add loss and acc to Tensorboard DONE Feature
Terminal size and cursor issue DONE Bugfix
Add best train acc and best val acc in terminal DONE Feature
No more fastai dependancy DONE Feature
  • tensorboard logs: must define a tensorboard logger object (callback) and add scalar to it


  • learning rate logging: the tensorboard logger is correct. the lr displayed in terminal is false: it's constant at the initial lr.

  • accuracy computation issue:

    • solved by calculating our own accuracy.
    • is calculated on CPU and not GPU: need to be changed in future releases.

Last Commit Changes Log

  • improve README
  • improve terminal display:
    • table showing training logs
    • make verbose a Lightning callback (see utils/verbose.py) instead of a decorator: this callback is based on a State class that could be use somewhere else.
  • remove fastai dependancy: code loaded from fastai is now in pytorch
  • test in model and main: for now it's only a duplicate of a validation routine on one epoch.


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To use this project, first clone the repo on your device using the command below:

git init

git clone https://github.com/the-dharma-bum/MicroNet

Note that this projet requires fastai and pytorch lightning.

To ensure everything run ok, you could try:

apt install gcc git pip

pip install fastai

pip install pytorch-lightning


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You can modify any hyper parameters in the config.py file. Alternatively, you can declare dataclasses (refer to config.py to see how they should be instanciated) anywhere in your code, then instanciate a model object using those dataclasses, and finally give them to a trainer object.

Once you're ready, run:

python main.py

This command supports many arguments, type

python main.py -h

to see them all, or refer to the pytorch-lightning documentation.

Most useful ones:

  • --gpus n : runs the training on n gpus
  • --distributed_backend ddp : use DistributedDataParallel as backend to train across multiple gpus.
  • --fast_dev_run True : runs one training loop, that is one validation step, one test step, one training step on a single data batch. Used to debug efficiently.

If you want to debug but the fast_dev_run option doesn't suit (for instance if you wanna check what's happening between two epochs) you can run:

  • --limit_train_batches i --limit_val_batches j --max_epochs k

i,j,k are of course three integers of your choice.


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Feel free to use, modify, and share this code. Consider citing us if you feel like it.

GNU General Public License version 3