
Assist aplication for playing game [Darkenlight.net](http://darkenlight:8082/)

Primary LanguageC#


Assist aplication for playing game Darkenlight.net.

Shotly about LightenDark

  • Current version 1.0.x ALPHA
  • Assistent for Darkenlight.net
  • Implement in-app scripting for control avatar in game
  • Scripting used C# code
  • Editor with syntax highlights
  • Panels with received/sent messages
  • etc.

Used technology


  1. Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or higher
    • Note: Tested on Windows 7, 8 and 10
  2. .NET Framework 4.5
  3. Visual C++ Redistributable 2013

How do I get set up?

  • Use Windows and Visual Studio 2015
  • just clone, set platform on LightenDark.Studio project (x64 vs x86)
  • and rebuild
  • all dependencies will be automatically downloaded throw NuGets

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin
  • Other community or team contact