Hi there, I'm Pavel Lorenz!

  • 👷‍♂️ I'm currently working as a Software Engineer in @heureka
  • 🔭 I'm primarly focused on ReacT/NodeJS tech stack with NoSQL databases
  • 💻 Switched from Windows system to Mac
  • 🐍 Sometimes mess around Python
  • 🌱 I'm currently learning all around cyber security, software architecture and microservices!
  • 😄 Pronouns: He/him


  • ⚡ .NET tech stack: ASP.NET MVC/WebAPI, WPF, etc., now mostly focus on .NET 5/6
  • 🧐 Heavily focused on relational databases (primarly MSSQL)
  • ⏰ in past I worked in ASP.NET WebForms, UWP, WCF, Winforms
  • 🍓 also tried raspberryPI/dragonboard wt raspbian and Python, WinIoT and UWP or now Raspbian and .NET 6!
  • 💻 worked under windows OS but also using WSL with Debian
  • 🐳 WSL and Docker is one of the most underestimated tools!
  • ❓ and don't forget about another languages and tech-stacks like PHP+Symfony and PostgreSQL database
  • ❕ on frontend I used angularJS, KnockoutJS or just Razor markup engine