
An array wrapper for functional programming

Primary LanguageColdFusionMIT LicenseMIT


An array wrapper for functional programming

Build Status

WireBox Integration

If your CFML engine supports static methods (Lucee 5+), WireBox will return a method with a static constructor and static macro support.

A few mappings are provided out-of-the-box:

collection & collection@CFCollection

Injecting this will give you access to an instance of Collection. You can start with a new collection by using the collect function.

collect & collect@CFCollection

Injecting this will give you direct access to the collect method.

Note: If you are subclassing Collection, you will need to override this method to return your subclass.


Utilizing WireBox, you can mix in arbitrary collection methods in to each of your collections. The mixinLocations setting will take the contents of any cfm files included and mix them in to your collection. This can be a single file, a list of files, or an array of files. (You do not need to include the extension.)

// config/ColdBox.cfc
moduleSettings = {
    cfcollection = {
        mixinLocations = "/app/includes/macros/CFCollectionMacros"
<!--- includes/mixins/CFCollectionMixins --->
function triple() {
    return this.map( function( item ) {
        return item * 3;
    } );
// handlers/main.cfc

property name="collect" inject="collect@CFCollection";

function index( event, rc, prc ) {
    var nums = collect( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] );
    event.renderData( nums.triple().get() );



Create a new collection. Can accept a list, array, or query.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );
// OR
var collection = Collection::make( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );
// OR
var collection = wirebox.getInstance(
	name = "Collection",
	initArguments = { collection = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] }


Returns the entire collection as an array, a specific index of the collection, or a default value if the specific index doesn't exist.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

collection.get( 2 );

// 2

collection.get( 5, "whoops!" );

// "whoops!"


Returns the value of the collection as an array.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]


Returns the values passed in as a new collection. Useful in conjunction with DI containers.

var collection = new Collection();

collection.collect(  [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]


Returns the keys of an object as a new collection.

collection.keys( { "A" = 1, "B" = 2, "C" = 3 } );

// [ "A", "B", "C" ]


Returns the values of an object as a new collection.

collection.values( { "A" = 1, "B" = 2, "C" = 3 } );

// [ 1, 2, 3 ]


Loops over each value in the collection.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );

collection.each( function( item ) {
	writeOutput( "Item is #item#. " );
} );

// Item is 1. Item is 2. Item is 3. Item is 4.


Creates a new collection by applying a projection function to each item in the collection.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );

collection.map( function( item ) {
	return item * 2
} );

// [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]


Creates a new collection by applying a projection function to each item in the collection and then flattening the collection by one level.

var collection = new Collection( [ { x = 1, y = 2 }, { x = 1, y = 3 } ] );

collection.flatMap( function( point ) {
	return [ point.x, point.y ];
} );

// [ 1, 2, 1, 3 ]


Flattens a multi-dimensional array. It can accept a number of levels to flatten, or it flattens all levels by default.

var collection = new Collection( [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, [ 5, 6 ] ], [ 7 ] ] );


// [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]


Shortuct for map to one or more keys on a struct or component. Keys can be passed in as a comma-separated list or an array.

var collection = new Collection( [
    { label = "A", value = 1 },
    { label = "B", value = 2 },
    { label = "C", value = 3 },
    { label = "D", value = 4 }
] );

collection.pluck( "value" );

// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

Pluck can also retrieve the values from objects with accessors=true in the exact same way.


Returns a new collection where the predicate function provided returns true.

var collection = new Collection( [
    { label = "A", value = 1 },
    { label = "B", value = 2 },
    { label = "C", value = 3 },
    { label = "D", value = 4 }
] );

collection.filter( function( item ) {
    return item.value % 2 == 0;
} );

// [
//     { label = "B", value = 2 },
//     { label = "D", value = 4 }
// ]


Returns a new collection where the predicate function provided returns false.

var collection = new Collection( [
    { label = "A", value = 1 },
    { label = "B", value = 2 },
    { label = "C", value = 3 },
    { label = "D", value = 4 }
] );

collection.reject( function( item ) {
    return item.value % 2 == 0;
} );

// [
//     { label = "A", value = 1 },
//     { label = "C", value = 3 }
// ]


Returns a new collection with only unique items. The first unique item is used. Key order is not guaranteed. If no arguments are provided, a simple array is assumed. If a string value is provided, the value of that column in each array item is used as the unique key. A closure can be provided to have complete control over the unique key used.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 4 ] );


// [ 1, 2, 5, 3, 4 ]
var collection = new Collection( [
    { label = "A", value = 4 },
    { label = "B", value = 2 },
    { label = "A", value = 3 },
    { label = "A", value = 1 }
] );

collection.unique( "label" );
collection.unique( function( item ) {
    return item.label;
} );

// [
//     { label = "A", value = 4 },
//     { label = "B", value = 2 }
// ]


Reverses the order of the collection.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ]


Combines the values from two arrays in to a tuple. It can optionally accept a projection function to influence the result returned.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );

collection.zip( [ 4, 5, 6 ] );

// [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ] ];


Transposes the values in a multi-dimensional array. Useful for array form inputs (like name[]).

var collection = new Collection( [
    [ "James T. Kirk", "Spock", "Odo", "Jonathan Archer" ],
    [ "Captain", "Commander", "Constable", "Captain" ],
    [ "Human", "Vulcan", "Changeling", "Human" ]
] );


// [
//     [ "James T. Kirk", "Captain", "Human" ],
//     [ "Spock", "Commander", "Vulcan" ],
//     [ "Odo", "Constable", "Changeling" ],
//     [ "Jonathan Archer", "Captain", "Human" ]
// ]


Sorts the collection. Uses a simple compare if no callback function is provided. Can also accept a single string key to compare simple structs.

var collection = new Collection( [
    { label = "B", value = 2 },
    { label = "D", value = 4 },
    { label = "C", value = 3 },
    { label = "A", value = 1 }
] );

collection.sort( function( item1, item2 ) {
	return compare( item1.value, item2.value );
} );
collection.sort( "value" );

// [
//     { label = "A", value = 1 },
//     { label = "B", value = 2 },
//     { label = "C", value = 3 },
//     { label = "D", value = 4 }
// ]


Returns a new collection with the values of another array or Collection added to it.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );
var anotherCollection = new Collection( [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ] );

collection.merge( anotherCollection );

// [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]


Returns a subset of the collection, starting at the given index and going either to the end of the collection or for the specified number of items.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );

collection.slice( 2, 3 );
collection.slice( 2 );

// [ 2, 3, 4 ]


Breaks a collection up in to chunks with the specified length.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] );

collection.chunk( 3 );

// [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ]


Shortcut for filter. Accepts a key and value to filter down the collection by. value can be a single value, a list, or an array of values where the collection value can match any of the values provided.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
    { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
    { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
    { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
] );

collection.where( "species", "Human" );

// [
//     { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
//     { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
// ];


Shortcut for reject. Accepts a `All Contributors r", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" } ] );

collection.whereNot( "species", "Human" );

// [ // { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" }, // { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" } // ];

### empty
Returns whether the collection is empty.

var collection = new models.Collection();


// true


Returns the first element in the collection. Can optionally accept a predicate function which will then return the first element that returns true from the predicate function. Can also accept a default value to use when the collection is either empty or no element satisfies the predicate function.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// 1
var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );

collection.first( function( num ) {
    return num > 4;
}, 5 );

// 5


Returns the last element in the collection. Can optionally accept a predicate function which will then return the last element that returns true from the predicate function. Can also accept a default value to use when the collection is either empty or no element satisfies the predicate function.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// 4
var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );

collection.last( function( num ) {
    return num > 2;
}, 5 );

// 4


Returns the number of elements in the collection.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// 4


Shortcut for where and count.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
    { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
    { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
    { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
] );

collection.countWhere( "species", "Vulcan" );

// 1


Shortcut for whereNot and count.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
    { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
    { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
    { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
] );

collection.countWhereNot( "species", "Vulcan" );

// 3


Alias for count. Returns the number of elements in the collection.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// 4


Alias for count. Returns the number of elements in the collection.

var collection = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// 4


Applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the collection. The default value of the accumulator is the first value of the collection.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );

collection.reduce( function( acc, num ) {
    return acc + num;
}, 0 );

// 10


Returns a struct where the keys are the value of the field passed in and the values are collection items that share the same value of the given key.

The key can be the name of a property. The accessor will be called behind the scenes.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
    { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
    { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
    { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
] );

collection.groupBy( "rank" );

// {
//     "Captain" = [
//         { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
//         { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
//     ],
//     "Commander" = [
//         { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
//     ],
//     "Constable" = [
//         { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" }
//     ]
// }


Returns a struct similar to the groupBy() but different in that the values are expected to have a one-to-one relationship to the key value. Items are therefore structs, not arrays of structs.

The key can be the name of any property. The key values must be unique or it will throw an exception.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
    { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
    { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
    { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
] );

collection.groupByUnique( "id" );

// 	"1" = { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
// 	"2" = { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
// 	"3" = { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
// 	"4" = { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }


Returns the underlying collection serialized to JSON. Can limit the serialized properties to a passed in comma-separated list or array of keys.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { label = "A", value = 1, importance = "10" },
    { label = "B", value = 2, importance = "20" },
    { label = "C", value = 3, importance = "50" },
    { label = "D", value = 4, importance = "20" }
] );

collection.serialize( [ "value", "importance" ] );



Sums the values of a collection. Can accept an optional field to sum by.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// 10
var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { label = "A", value = 1 },
    { label = "B", value = 2 },
    { label = "C", value = 3 },
    { label = "D", value = 4 }
] );

collection.sum( "value" );

// 10


Averages the values of a collection. Can accept an optional field to average by.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );


// 2.5
var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { label = "A", value = 1 },
    { label = "B", value = 2 },
    { label = "C", value = 3 },
    { label = "D", value = 4 }
] );

collection.sum( "value" );

// 2.5


Alias for avg. Averages the values of a collection. Can accept an optional field to average by.


Joins the elements of a collection in to a string with a given delimiter.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ "Hello", "world" ] );

collection.join( ", " );

// "Hello, world"


Passes the collection in to the callback specified and returns the result returned from the callback. Allows for easier chaining of non-collection methods.

var scores = [ 96, 94, 85, 67, 55, 98, 72 ];
var collection = new models.Collection( scores );

function mapScoresToGrades( scores ) {
    return scores.map( function( score ) {
        if ( score >= 90 ) { return "A"; }
        else if ( score >= 80 ) { return "B"; }
        else if ( score >= 70 ) { return "C"; }
        else if ( score >= 66 ) { return "D"; }
        else { return "F"; }
    } );

collection.pipe( function( collection ) {
    return mapScoresToGrades( collection );
} );

// [ "A", "A", "B", "D", "F", "A", "C" ]


Returns true if any item in the collection returns true from the predicate function.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
    { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
    { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
    { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
] );

collection.has( function( crewMember ) {
    return crewMember.species == "Vulcan";
} );

// true

Can also accept a key / value pair as arguments to search.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
    { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
    { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
    { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
] );

collection.has( "species", "Vulcan" );

// true


Alias for has. Returns true if any item in the collection returns true from the predicate function.


Returns true if every item in the collection returns true from the predicate function.

var collection = new models.Collection( [
    { id = 1, name = "James T. Kirk", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" },
    { id = 2, name = "Spock", rank = "Commander", species = "Vulcan" },
    { id = 3, name = "Odo", rank = "Constable", species = "Changeling" },
    { id = 4, name = "Jonathan Archer", rank = "Captain", species = "Human" }
] );

collection.every( function( crewMember ) {
    return crewMember.species == "Human";
} );

// false


Returns an array of numbers progressing from start up to, but not including, end. A step of -1 will be used if a negative value is specified in start and the value of end or step is undefined. If end is undefined, it's set to start with start then set to 0.

var collection = new models.Collection();

collection.range( 4 );
// [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]

collection.range( -4 );
// [ 0, -1, -2, -3 ]

collection.range( 1, 4 );
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

collection.range(0, 40, 10);
// [ 0, 10, 20, 30 ]

collection.range( 0, -4, -1 );
// [ 0, -1, -2, -3 ]

collection.range( 1, 4, 0 );
// [ 1, 1, 1 ]

collection.range( 0 );
// []


Provides a way to have side effects for collections without modifying the actual collection.

collect( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] )
    .tap( function( c ) {
        writeDump( c.get() );
    } )
    .map( function( item ) {
        return item * 2;
    } )
    .tap( function( c ) {
        writeDump( c.get() );
    } )
    .filter( function( item ) {
        return item % 4 == 0;
    } )
    .tap( function( c ) {
        writeDump( c.get() );
    } );

// This would dump out:
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
// [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]
// [ 4, 8 ]


Adds one or more items to the end of the collection. (Adding more than one item must be done as variadic parameters.)

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
collection.append( 4 );
collection.append( 5, 6 );

writeDump( collection.toArray() );
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]


Adds one or more items to the beginning of the collection. (Adding more than one item must be done as variadic parameters.)

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 2, 3, 4 ] );
collection.prepend( 1 );

writeDump( collection.toArray() );
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]


Removes an item from the end of the collection and return it.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] );
var pop = collection.pop();

writeDump( pop );
// D
writeDump( collection.toArray() );
// [ "A", "B", "C" ]


Add one or more items to the end of a collection. (Alias for append)

var collection = new models.Collection( [ 3, 2, 1 ] );
collection.push( "lift off!" );

writeDump( collection.get() );
// [ 3, 2, 1, "lift off!" ]


Removes an item from the beginning of the collection and return it.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ] );
var shift = collection.shift();

writeDump( shift );
// A
writeDump( collection.toArray() );
// [ "B", "C", "D" ]


Add one or more items to the beginning of a collection. (Alias for prepend)

var collection = new models.Collection( [ "kiwi", "orange", "banana" ] );
collection.unshift( "apple" );

writeDump( collection.get() );
// [ "apple", "kiwi", "orange", "banana" ]


Modifies the contents of a collection by removing existing items and/or adding new items. Returns an array containing the removed items.

var collection = new models.Collection( [ "Aragorn", "Boromir", "Gimli", "Legolas" ] );
var result = collection.splice( 2, 1, "Gandalf" );

writeDump( result );
// [ "Boromir" ]
writeDump( collection.get() );
// [ "Aragorn", "Gandalf", "Gimli", "Legolas" ]

Static Support

If your CFML engine supports static scopes and functions, you have some additional functionality available to you in the MacroableCollection component. This component will be returned by default if you are using WireBox.


Returns a new instance of the component. Syntactic sugar for new Collection

var collection = Collection::make( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );

// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]


Extends the functionality of every Collection instance with the new method. You have access to the current collection using the this keyword as well as any arguments passed in the function.

Collection::macro( "max", function() {
	if ( this.empty() ) {
		return 0;

	var max = this.first();

	this.each( function( item ) {
		if ( item > max ) {
			max = item;
	} );

	return max;
} );

var collection = Collection::make( [ 4, 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 1 ] );


// 6