
A PHP Slack Bot using the new Event API

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP SlackBot

Example usage

/** @var SlackBot $slackBot */
$slackBot = app(SlackBot::class);

// Listen to simple commands
$slackBot->hears('Hello', function (SlackBot $bot) {
    $bot->respond('Hi there!');

// Include regular expression matches
$slackBot->hears('Call me {name} the {attribute}', function (SlackBot $bot, $name, $attribute) {
    $bot->respond('Hi '.$name.'! You truly are '.$attribute);

// Use conversations
$slackBot->hears('order pizza', function (SlackBot $bot, $matches) {
    $bot->startConversation(new OrderPizzaConversation());

Conversation Syntax

use Mpociot\SlackBot\Conversation;

class OrderPizzaConversation extends Conversation

    protected $size;
    protected $toppings;
    public function askSize()
        $this->ask('Which size do you want?', function($answer) {
            $this->reply('Got you - your pizza needs to be '.$answer);
            $this->size = $answer;
    public function askTopping()
        $this->ask('What toppings do you want?', function($answer) {
            $this->reply('Okay, I\'ll put some '.$answer.' on your pizza');
            $this->toppings = $answer;
    public function run()


SlackBot is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.