
A simple project that show both GMSMapView and MKMapView example use in SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwift

SwiftUI - Maps comparison example

Scope of the example is to use the UIViewRepresentable to render both maps, Apple Map MKMapView and Google Map GMSMapView in order to try the different implementation of Pin image, callout, interactions, animations, etc...

The code looks like this:

struct ContentView: View {    
    var body: some View {
        VStack {

The app looks like this:

In this example:

  • how to set custom pin image on both MKMapView and GMSMapView
  • how to show a custom callout on both MKMapView and GMSMapView
  • how to center maps using GPS on both MKMapView and GMSMapView
  • render Google Map using Representable
  • render Apple Map using Reprensentable

Feel free to add your extra example. Pull requests are welcome!


To use this example you need to configure the Google Maps Api Key in the SceneDelegate.swift.


and to install the Google Map PODS:

pod install