
Run an interactive command on EC2 instances using AWS SSM in synchronised tmux panes

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Run an interactive AWS SSM command in synchronised tmux panes on one or more EC2 instances by specifying the autoscaling group name or tag key and value.

Getting Started

These instructions will help you setup the script on your local machine. See usage for further information.


The following must be installed:


Clone this repo or download multissm.sh script

git clone git@github.com:elpy1/ssm-multi-tmux.git

Copy the script to a local bin directory

cp ssm-multi-tmux/multissm.sh ~/.local/bin  

Ensure directory is in your PATH

echo "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}" >> ~/.bashrc


The script can be used by specifying either an EC2 autoscaling group name or the tag key and tag value of your target instances, as well as the command to run on the remote instances. Ensure AWS environment variables are available via your tool of choice e.g. AWS_PROFILE or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN

Usage: multissm.sh [-h] [-t <key>] -v <value> | -a <asg name> [--] <command>  
Try 'multissm.sh --help' for more information.


Connect to EC2 instances in an autoscaling group

Execute htop on instances in autoscaling group wordpress-prod:

multissm.sh --asg wordpress-prod htop

Tail httpd journal output on instances in autoscaling group drupal-web-asg:

multissm.sh --asg drupal-web-asg -- journalctl -f -u httpd

Connect to EC2 instances with specific tag

Execute bash on instances with a tag key of Name and tag value of prod-internal-cms02:

multissm.sh --tag Name --value prod-internal-cms02 -- bash 

Output date every second on instances with tag key app-server and tag value drupal-frontend:

multissm.sh --tag app-server --value drupal-frontend -- watch -t -n1 date +%s 


Executing htop on an autoscaling group containing 4 instances multissm demo htop


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details