
Mount protocol buffers as a FUSE filesystem

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Protofuse is a tool that mounts marshaled protocol buffers as a filesystem for easier viewing and debugging.

To use protofuse:

$ protofuse 'path of mount location' 'marshaled protocol buffer' 'path to .proto file' 'package name' 'message name'

protofuse/mount/mount.go also contains functions

Mount(marshaled []byte, fileDesc *google_protobuf.FileDescriptorSet, packageName string, messageName string, mountPoint string) error


MountList(marshaled [][]byte, fileDesc *google_protobuf.FileDescriptorSet, messageName string, mountPoint string) error

that can be used to mount protocol buffers.

marshaled is a marshaled protocol buffer or a slice of marshaled protocol buffers

fileDesc is a FileDescriptorSet describing the proto files

packageName is the name of the package of the top-level message

messageName is the name of the top-level message

mountPoint is the path to the location to mount the filesystem