

Shaafee opened this issue · 6 comments

I want to implement this to the 2D game I'm developing. I'm kinda new to this. If you could elaborate on the workflow a bit. I'm confused about the material that I've to create, you've mentioned it in the Description. Any help is appreciated.

Just add a SpriteGlow component to a sprite and make sure bloom solution is configured correctly. Check out test project (from this repository) for the examples.

I've downloaded Post Processing effect from Asset store. Attached it to camera, adjusted the bloom settings as per instruction. But nothing is happening.

Check out the test project for the post processing setup example.

I'm using Unity 2017.2.0f3 therefore I downloaded Sprite Glow Version 1.2. And I can't seem to find the test project in that. Do I have to download the latest package for the test project?

Test project is only available for the latest Unity version and is contained in this repository.

I'll update and try it. Thanks.