- 0
Breaking Change: Slash as Division
#61 opened by netwarex - 0
A new idea makes csshake more perfect
#57 opened by aryayang - 1
Support for tailwind as a plugin
#51 opened by itsdonnix - 2
Shake effect on hover in safari browser
#43 opened by graphi-x - 6
impossible to make it work using gh-pages?
#44 opened by gaining - 1
Elements changing width
#42 opened by th1nkful - 3
package.json not pointing right to main files
#40 opened by antivitla - 1
shake effect on menu
#39 opened by madruga88 - 1
Version and link in minified css
#37 opened by ariunbayar - 2
[request] new release (npm)
#36 opened by greaterweb - 1
Rectangle icon on Windows
#35 opened by Semigradsky - 2
- 2
How to get a combination of slow and horizontal?
#29 opened by kramer65 - 3
Laggy Animation
#28 opened by furier - 3
- 2
Choose only several effects
#20 opened by raphaelgoetter - 2
Support intermittent shaking?
#25 opened by blixt - 2
Shake child element instead of entire parent
#16 opened by mouse0270 - 6
sass files issue
#15 opened by atinder - 6
It's not shaking in Chrome
#13 opened by mlotfi2005 - 3
.freeze doesn't work
#3 opened by et - 10
missing bower
#9 opened by nakosung - 3
Without prefixes version
#21 opened by raphaelgoetter - 16
Not working
#10 opened by allaniftrue - 5
Missing: Harlem Shake
#7 opened by lgarron - 2