
Transform svg files to json notation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple tool to transform svg files and Strings into Object or JSON.

Useful to manipulate SVG with js, to store in noSQL databses.

Travis Codecov Version Download MIT License

v2 docs


yarn add svgson


const { parse, stringify } = require('svgson')

// ----------------------------
// Convert SVG to JSON AST
// ----------------------------
      stroke= "#bada55"
      stroke-width= "2"
      stroke-linecap= "round"
      x1= "70"
      y1= "80"
      x2= "250"
      y2= "150">
  </svg>`).then((json) => {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2))
      name: 'svg',
      type: 'element',
      value: '',
      attributes: {},
      parent: null,
      children: [
          name: 'line',
          type: 'element',
          value: '',
          attributes: {
            stroke: '#bada55',
            'stroke-width': '2',
            'stroke-linecap': 'round',
            x1: '70',
            y1: '80',
            x2: '250',
            y2: '150'
          parent: null,
          children: []

  // -------------------------------
  // Convert JSON AST back to SVG
  // -------------------------------
  const mysvg = stringify(json)
  /* returns the SVG as string */

umd usage

const svgson = require('svgson')
        stroke= "#bada55"
        stroke-width= "2"
        stroke-linecap= "round"
        x1= "70"
        y1= "80"
        x2= "250"
        y2= "150">
  .then(function(json) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)
mysvg = svgson.stringify(json)

Test in browser here



svgson.parse(input[, options])

Returns: Promise

  • input

    Type: String

  • options.transformNode

    Function to apply on each node when parsing, useful when need to reshape nodes or set default attributes.

    Type: Function that returns the node


      return node
  • options.camelcase

    Apply camelCase into attributes

    Type: Boolean

    Default: false


Added in 3.1.0

svgson.parseSync(input[, options])

This function is a synchronous version of svgson.parse. The arguments are the same, but unlike svgson.parse, the return value is not wrapped in a Promise.

Returns: Object [Object]


svg = svgson.stringify(ast[, options])

Returns: String

  • ast

    svgson parsed result.

    Type: Object [Object]

  • options.transformAttr

    Function to apply on each attribute when stringifying.

    Type: Function that returns the key/attribute string with the ability to use the escape function on it.


    function(key, value, escape) {
      return `${key}="${escape(value)}"`
  • options.transformNode

Function to apply on each node when stringifying, useful when need to reshape nodes or change/update values.

Type: Function that returns the node


  return node
  • options.selfClose

    Type: Boolean

    Default: true

  • Pretty Printing

    In order to generate pretty formatted SVG output, use pretty npm module:

    pretty = require('pretty')
    formatted = pretty(svg)


svgson-cli Transform SVG into Object from the Command Line

element-to-path Convert SVG element into path

path-that-svg Convert entire SVG with path

svg-path-tools Tools to manipulate SVG path (d)


MIT © Lionel T