
Our project for benha Hackathon

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Benha Hackathon - Third Place in Smart Services Track

Project Overview

We are proud to announce that our project secured third place in the Smart Services Track at the Benha Hackathon. Our innovative solution addresses the challenge of streamlining toll collection on roads. We introduced a cutting-edge concept of a "Smart Road Card" that allows for seamless toll collection from vehicles without the need for them to stop.

My Role

As part of the project team, my role primarily focused on two key aspects:

  1. Simulations with Proteus: I contributed to the project by creating simulations using Proteus. These simulations were instrumental in validating the feasibility and functionality of our concept. They allowed us to test and refine the technical components of our solution, ensuring its reliability and accuracy.

  2. GUI Development with Python: In addition to simulations, I took charge of developing the graphical user interface (GUI) for our project using Python. The GUI served as the interface through which data from the vehicles could be displayed and managed. It provided an accessible and user-friendly means of interacting with our system.

Accessing the Project

You can access the full code and resources related to our project on GitHub. Feel free to explore the details of our innovative "Smart Road Card" solution and the contributions made to this successful endeavor.

We are excited about the possibilities our project opens up for more efficient and convenient toll collection on roads. Thank you for your interest in our work.