
An experimental java script test server used for prototyping Firmware Updates Over the Air (FUOTA) on the Things Stack Cloud

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A prototyping LoRaWAN® multicast and firmware update over the air test sever compatible with the The Things Stack.

Disclaimer & Warning

This FUOTA test server should only be used for prototyping and testing. This server should not be used in production.

Again, please use this server for testing and prototyping only. This script is not beginner friendly and I only recommend it for advanced users familiar with LoRaWAN and FUOTA.

This is a personal effort and it's not a substitute for a FUOTA Server.

Please contact The Things Industries for scalable deployments.



Please get familiar with how to create a multicast device and how to use The Things Stack MQTT integration


  • Create a normal device like this
ttn-lw-cli end-devices create fota dev1 \
  --dev-eui FA23a01e61ae4f65 \
  --app-eui FAB3D57ED00A7279 \
  --frequency-plan-id EU_863_870 \
  --root-keys.app-key.key FA97E0E0FC62AFE34B716F088169054E \
  --lorawan-version 1.0.3 \
  --lorawan-phy-version 1.0.3-a
  • Create a multicast device like this

The script is hard coded with McKey_encrypted but this is for testing so you can use the command below right away.

ttn-lw-cli end-devices create fota mcdev \
  --frequency-plan-id EU_863_870 \
  --lorawan-version 1.0.3 \
  --lorawan-phy-version 1.0.3-a \
  --session.dev-addr 01FFFFFF \
  --session.keys.app-s-key.key f7d9667acd8eb1dde380751a8593eaec \
  --session.keys.nwk-s-key.key ff701d8368a4c6586048ffa29d8ae010 \
  --multicast \


Navigate to the config section of server.js and adjust according to your setup.

An example configuration would be:

//----------- Start of config area ----------------//

// MQTT config, see https://www.thethingsindustries.com/docs/integrations/mqtt/
var HOST = 'eu1.cloud.thethings.industries';
var APP_ID = 'fota@tti';
var PORT = 1883 ; // 1883 or 8883 for TLS
// var KEY = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/key.pem')); // Uncomment if you are using TLS
// var CERT = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/cert.pem')); //Uncomment if you are using TLS
var options = {
    host: HOST,
    username: APP_ID,
    password: API_KEY,
    port: PORT,
    //key: KEY, // Uncomment if you are using TLS
    //cert: CERT, // Uncomment if you are using TLS
    rejectUnauthorized: false,
    protocol: 'mqtt' //mqtts for TLS

// Device IDs and EUIs config
var TENANT_ID = 'tti'; // Tenant_ID On Things Stack Cloud
var GATEWAY_ID= 'multitech-70d9';

// Multicast group details config, see https://www.thethingsindustries.com/docs/devices/multicast/
var MULTICAST_APP_ID= 'fota';
var MULTICAST_DEV_ID= 'mcdev';

// Devices EUIs config with no spaces, Example: `FA23A01E61AE4F65`
// These are the Devices that will open a class C session and receive the multicast fragments
const devices = [

// Script config
const CLASS_C_WAIT_S = 40;
var extra_info = 0; // Set to 1 to get more debug info

//----------- End of config area ----------------//


Run the server using the command line

node server.js interop-test-file-fragmented.txt ECB2A918

and you should see something like

MacBook-Pro:test-fuota-server ahmedelsalahy$ node server.js interop-test-file-fragmented.txt ECB2A918
MQTT client connected!
Subscribed to all application events
deviceTime -315964790 serverTime 1308545912
Clock sync for device FA23A01E61AE4F65 1624510702 seconds
All devices have had their clocks synced, setting up mc group...
publishing as fota@tti dev1
All devices have received multicast group, setting up fragsession...
publishing as fota@tti dev1
All devices have received multicast group, setting up fragsession...
publishing as fota@tti dev1
All devices have received frag session, sending mc start msg...
publishing as fota@tti dev1
All devices have received frag session, sending mc start msg...
publishing as fota@tti dev1
FA23A01E61AE4F65 time to start 32 startTime is 1308545990 currtime is 1308545959
Delta is OK FA23A01E61AE4F65 1
publishing as fota@tti dev1
FA23A01E61AE4F65 time to start 26 startTime is 1308545990 currtime is 1308545964
Delta is OK FA23A01E61AE4F65 0
All devices ready? { FA23A01E61AE4F65:
   { clockSynced: true,
     fragSessionAns: true,
     mcSetupAns: true,
     mcStartAns: true,
     applicationID: 'fota',
     msgWaiting: null } }
Sent packet 2 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 3 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 4 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 5 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 6 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 7 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 8 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 9 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 10 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 11 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 12 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 13 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 14 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 15 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 16 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 17 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 18 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 19 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 20 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 21 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 22 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 23 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 24 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 25 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 26 fota@tti mcdev
Sent packet 27 fota@tti mcdev
Done sending all packets
Received CRC32 checksum correctly matches input checksum ECB2A918


This script is a fork of ARM Mbed team LoRaWAN FUOTA example server and it's modified to be compatible with The Things Stack.