
libValkka Onvif Dependencies

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Valkka Onvif

Onvif dependencies and camera discovery tools for libValkka.

For more information, see here


From pypi with:

pip install -U valkka-onvif

Onvif Test Studio

You can play around with onvif using either ipython cli client or jupyter notebook:

cd examples
%run studio.py

Check it out and develop further in examples/studio.py

Discovery API

work in progress

Uses WSDiscovery, and linux arp and arp-scan programs.

In order to enable arp-scan-based tools, please give these commands:

sudo apt-get install arp-scan
sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/arp-scan

The API might still change and will be better documented in the future. This is the state of play at the moment:

from valkka.discovery import *

# --> returns a list of tuples (ip, port)
runARPScan(exclude_list = [], exclude_interfaces = [], max_time_per_interface=10) 
# performs a combination of arp-scan and "rtsp options" probes
# --> returns a list of ArpRTSPScanResult objects
# maps ip address to a mac address
# --> returns ArpRTSPScanResult object
# --> to get most recent ip address -> mac address mapping, you should run

For ArpRTSPScanResult object, please see valkka/discovery/datatype.py in the source code.

WSDiscovery relies on the python-ws-discovery package.

Beware that some camera brands might work poorly with WSDiscovery, for example TP-Link.


The API is explained in more detail in here

OnVif Multiprocess

work in progress

A multiprocess for onvif calls is provided in here. It can be used to send commands for a group of cameras, while all onvif requests are processed asynchronously, i.e. in non-blocking/parallel manner (for more examples on how to use the multiprocess, please see the camera search program's source code)

PTZ controls will be added at some stage.

Camera search program

valkka-camsearch uses a series of arp-scan(s), WSDiscovery and onvif trial connections to find as much information as possible on the IP cameras available in your network and produce a yaml file report.

For more details on the output format, see valkka/discovery/camsearch/yaml_format.md

To get started, try this:

valkka-camsearch -h

Author & Copyright

(c) 2023 Sampsa Riikonen

Contains code from the python-ws-discovery package: please see directory valkka/discovery/wsdiscovery/



For python-ws-discovery, LGPL, see please see directory valkka/discovery/wsdiscovery/