
A Quick Repository Showing how the RadarBot24 Communicates to Get Access to Speed Camera / Alerts / Police Sightings.

Primary LanguageDTrace

Radar24 API Reverse Engineering

This Repository Contains the Entire Report on how the Radar24 App Communicates & accesses the Radar Information for each country. This Reports provides a full insight into all of the findings and how to call them w/ Cookies & Session Data.

To Reverse Engineer the Communications following App, I have performed SSL Pinning Bypass using Frida and Burpsuite Certificate to intercept all SSL Communications b/w the RadarBot24 App and Backend Servers. Below are all of the findings & all communications made.

Validating Traffic Stops

To validate red light stops or police radars, you need to go ahead and add the correct id_radar and confirm if that id_radar exists in that country. In the following case we are validating a German Radar using the RadarBot24 API.

import requests

session = requests.session()

burp0_url = "https://www.radarbotservices.com:443/ws_confirm_radar.php"

burp0_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 12; Pixel 3 XL Build/SQ1D.220205.004)", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"}

burp0_data = {"ws_version": "2", "rb_version": "189", "password": "radar_asm256K!@", "pais": "ru", "id_dispositivo": "9B23-331B-3624-7873", "p": "DLnadhl3GpW7YhRhCGoLE38oWwJtkPaI/JcEFvEDEwh8XF32+twT", "os": "0", "up": "0", "id_firebase": "fnwo9KelRL6FbNt6wIKYQ2:APA91bE4wn_huabwvo32eXvB4e0uG0DePUueZYVDQEOUGy_M1RSS2UoajIPHC6B947j61NwEpxBqKSaE_5HyTnpXWfysyYDkQF45L_xBj_nrl8-wFZPzqcZIavjAjmC2BbMGfEpG6Xsd", "latitud": "55.743866", "longitud": "37.654709", "id_radar": "294675", "tipo": "0", "correcto": "1", "ts": "0&"}

session.post(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers, data=burp0_data)

JSON Responses

Successfully Validated:


Failed to Validate (Radar ID does not exist):

{"code":0,"message":"INVALID RADAR ID"}

Getting Alerts with Lat/Long Co-ordinates

The RadarBot Application tracks user repored alerts for Stop Signs and in Lat/Long Co-ordinates using the following API. Below we are testing at a know location for a red light. Please do note that this API requires you to precisely pass the lat/long on the road to get the alert.

If you pass a co-ordinate where there are no alerts nearby then or exactly infront of it the apps behaviour in my testing does not produce it. This only works when you are really near it or there have been some user reports about something.

import requests

session = requests.session()

burp0_url = "https://www.radarbotservices.com:443/ws_get_alerts.php"

burp0_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 12; Pixel 3 XL Build/SQ1D.220205.004)", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"}

burp0_data = {"ws_version": "2", "rb_version": "189", "password": "radar_asm256K!@", "pais": "de", "id_dispositivo": "9B23-331B-3624-7873", "p": "D9u45omuw8fpRjDOpytK2rZFNqzDgefBtfTaIVPnhr+H3KUpunS8N8nk", "os": "0", "up": "0", "id_firebase": "fnwo9KelRL6FbNt6wIKYQ2:APA91bE4wn_huabwvo32eXvB4e0uG0DePUueZYVDQEOUGy_M1RSS2UoajIPHC6B947j61NwEpxBqKSaE_5HyTnpXWfysyYDkQF45L_xBj_nrl8-wFZPzqcZIavjAjmC2BbMGfEpG6Xsd", "latitud": "52.314590", "longitud": "13.601879", "ts": "0&"}

session.post(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers, data=burp0_data)

JSON Responses

Alerts Found:

{"code": 0,"message":"GET ALERTS OK","alerts_near":[{"id":"73734562","t":"01:53:24","st":"01:53:24","lt":"01:53:24","la":"52.403144","lo":"13.543976","ta":"6","txt":"","ad":"Chorweilerstra\u00dfe","ok":null,"ko":null,"f":"1.0000"}],"myalerts":[]}

No Alerts to Report:

{"code": 4,"message": "NO ALERTS IN AREA"}

Getting the App License Keys

The App Communicates with the Server to Get License Keys, I believe that the decrpytion key for the encrpyted database, could be in access_key_secret. But that is out of the premise of this project. You would need to hire a Pentration Tester w/ Android App Reverse Engineering Experience to see which crpytographic algorithm is being used to access the da tabase, it may be hardcoded inside.

import requests

session = requests.session()

burp0_url = "https://www.radarbotservices.com:443/ws_get_licenses.php"

burp0_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 12; Pixel 3 XL Build/SQ1D.220205.004)", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"}

burp0_data = {"ws_version": "2", "rb_version": "189", "password": "radar_asm256K!@", "pais": "de", "id_dispositivo": "9B23-331B-3624-7873", "p": "Cxl6XzDDrsLsDnhWP43sHnI2RQZpdBJtcbGjajf/fFlyK38tpqc=", "os": "0", "up": "0", "id_firebase": "fnwo9KelRL6FbNt6wIKYQ2:APA91bE4wn_huabwvo32eXvB4e0uG0DePUueZYVDQEOUGy_M1RSS2UoajIPHC6B947j61NwEpxBqKSaE_5HyTnpXWfysyYDkQF45L_xBj_nrl8-wFZPzqcZIavjAjmC2BbMGfEpG6Xsd", "ts": "0&"}

session.post(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers, data=burp0_data)

JSON Responses

  "free": {
    "app_id": "0000",
    "app_code": "0000",
    "license_key": "0000",
    "api_key": "LA-8LcNiUu60QQxoAFI3TsuAeSsuUDmaogNUZRqYeLM",
    "access_key_id": "EdilteF9NY1wki2FNtehNA",
    "access_key_secret": "iGhjbsE8U_uGYQ5NEAdyxqdgsC5qQ1srnHrNo_0n9tbke8iBNPvRsfNUq7gLTQo911iMTUFTIQaH4GNb71e18g"
  "pro": {
    "app_id": "0000",
    "app_code": "0000",
    "license_key": "0000"
  "trial": {
    "app_id": "5999yqGLg5SsCVCVSlvr",
    "app_code": "viRoQJdkrOHOXKwS3Q5fHw",
    "license_key": "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"
  "suscriber": {
    "app_id": "0zJ2whA1UmIt9r4XRhvd",
    "app_code": "GPxrQmp4Vg5aO3MR3hpNCQ",
    "license_key": "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",
    "api_key": "LA-8LcNiUu60QQxoAFI3TsuAeSsuUDmaogNUZRqYeLM",
    "access_key_id": "CtHXzBjGlT80KR1t-13QDQ",
    "access_key_secret": "3Dem3RiUT1UjT74VqgxxdF7Zs31x0rBvocLVE0OR5q73rNuonvXoGThXOEru7ai09mDiGApl_iEAaPjWuQnbQw"
  "truck_ev": {
    "app_id": "0zJ2whA1UmIt9r4XRhvd",
    "app_code": "GPxrQmp4Vg5aO3MR3hpNCQ",
    "api_key": "LA-8LcNiUu60QQxoAFI3TsuAeSsuUDmaogNUZRqYeLM",
    "access_key_id": "1d6lmt8CllgR8fFnAQ96lw",
    "access_key_secret": "2U5Dm-NPTGKsV16bZM8v4g9JqxQcXthP7BAqMtlbOvlSLH40C_vmP4zzFnNMEM5MGelTImNgCP-FSgVRg68qlQ"

Getting Radar / Red Light Distances

The Radar24 Application Gathers the Radar Information from the database and then displays it into the Google Maps. Here, you can go ahead and see how the application computes when to display the alert when the distance gets to a certain point. As it loops over the current_point which is passed as a parameter. engine currently selected is grasshopper for GPS devices that jump from one place to another.

import requests

session = requests.session()

burp0_url = "https://www.radarbot-osm.com:443/ws_radardist.php?point=52.3241751521,13.73274754,52.3233004986,13.7084197757,52.3233004986,13.7084197757,52.3233004986,13.7084197757,52.3233004986,13.7084197757,52.3190860166,13.6907268561,52.3190860166,13.6907268561,52.3190860166,13.6907268561,52.3152687809,13.6745950766,52.3152687809,13.6745950766&accuracy=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0&heading=92,92,92,73,73,73,73,73,73,73&dest=52.323381,13.75139&engine=graphhopper&current_point=6"

burp0_headers = {"User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 12; Pixel 3 XL Build/SQ1D.220205.004)", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"}

session.get(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers)

JSON Response

Current Point (6):

{"code":"ok", "d":[9312,0,9312,0], "n":[7,7]}

Current Point (0):

{"code":"ok", "d":[6343,0,6343,0], "n":[7,7]}

Accessing Radars/Traffic Lights/Alerts/Police Reports

The RadarBot24 App (com.vialsoft.radarbot_free) is going ahead and communicating w/ it's server to do the following tasks.

Application Workflow

  1. Checks to See if it's in a New Country.
  2. If it's in a New Country it Requests the Download URL for the Database.
  3. Fetches the Encrypted Database from the URL, Dencrpyts it and Displays on the Screen.
  4. Sends Occasional Pings to See if the Database Needs to be Updated.

Requesting the RadarBot24 Database URL

Below I am requesting the Database URL for Germany. You need the following Parms to get the URL, Country Code & Radar Version.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Each Country Has it's Own Database.
  2. It's Encrypted (Not using SSL) - I have bypassed it but using some other technique.
  3. Good News is that I have not seen the app communicating a key, so it's either hard coded or it's somewhere in the License Key section.
  4. We need to Hire a Android Application Reverse Engineering Professional to Proceed Forward to see how the app is decrypting the database.
import requests

session = requests.session()

burp0_url = "https://www.radarbotservices.com:443/ws_get_database_url.php"
burp0_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 12; Pixel 3 XL Build/SQ1D.220205.004)", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"}

burp0_data = {"ws_version": "2", "rb_version": "189", "password": "radar_asm256K!@", "pais": "ru", "id_dispositivo": "9B23-331B-3624-7873", "p": "CrLR+pVLJvnXs8VZMMipOFQjUMSr1I5li9I9qUpBq8alLYvWPA==", "os": "0", "up": "0", "id_firebase": "fnwo9KelRL6FbNt6wIKYQ2:APA91bE4wn_huabwvo32eXvB4e0uG0DePUueZYVDQEOUGy_M1RSS2UoajIPHC6B947j61NwEpxBqKSaE_5HyTnpXWfysyYDkQF45L_xBj_nrl8-wFZPzqcZIavjAjmC2BbMGfEpG6Xsd", "db_country": "de", "ts": "0&"}

session.post(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers, data=burp0_data)

JSON Response

German Radars / Traffic Light Information:

{"code": 0,"url": "https://radarbot-db.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/radars_v3/radars_de.db"}

Do Note that there is also a radars_v2 active url for all of the countries, and that may use a different encrpytion standard for comaptiability w/ older systems.

Accessing the RadarBot24 Database

The RadarBot24 Database is Encrypted, Meaning that the Decryption Mechanism is coded inside the the .apk file. Downloaded Databases are stored inside the files/ directory in /data/data of the com.vialsoft.radarbot_free application.

My Recommendations

  1. We need to Hire a Android Application Reverse Engineering Professional to Proceed Forward to see how the app is decrypting the database.

Database Content


This file is present w/ an info.json containing the starting data from where we determined the new country.

    "Globals": {
        "start_lat": 50.1099011,
        "start_long": 8.6757933

Report By Muneeb A. (C) 2023

Hire Me on Upwork (https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/muneeba51)