
WP Listnews, to control, build, manage your newslist in WordPress (Arlima-fork)

Primary LanguagePHP


License Build Status GitHub release

THIS IS A FORK FROM ARLIMA (https://github.com/victorjonsson/Arlima)


The plugin license is converted to MIT.

The plugin in is intended to be backwards compatible with Arlima but with the following requirements:

  • PHP version 7 and above.
  • WordPress version 4.9 and above.

This is an open source project meaning that the time spent on this project will vary and contributions are welcome.

Some rewrites will be done as first version 3.2 planned as first stable release.


Attention! composer update before any unit testing!

We run docker containers to unit tests in real WordPress (no mock). https://github.com/frozzare/docker-wptest https://github.com/wpup/test-suite Special thanks to Frozzare!

To initialize tests with docker, run: docker run --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -d mysql:latest

To run tests, in the plugin folder, eg: docker run -e WP_VERSION=4.9 --rm -v $(pwd):/opt --link mysql frozzare/wptest:7.0 vendor/bin/phpunit

PHPUnit testing with docker: https://youtu.be/9CEoapNrrSc

Arlima inherited readme text:

This Wordpress plugin was created by Swedish newspaper Västerbottens-Kuriren to give its editorial staff an easy to use tool for customizing the front pages of their online magazines. It's used on a daily basis at http://www.folkbladet.nu and http://www.vk.se, websites that together has over 200 000 unique visitors per week.

Getting started

  1. Download the latest release from github and unzip the folder in your plugin directory
  2. Go to "Article lists" -> "Edit lists" in wp-admin and create your first article list.
  3. Open up a page (or create it) in wp-admin. Down to the right you will see a meta box labeled "Arlima" where you choose the list that you created on step 2.
  4. Go to "Article lists" -> "Manage lists" and start stuffing your article list with interesting content.

Tip! Install the plugin "Scissors Continued" to get even more functionality out of Arlima


@chredd @znoid @victor_jonsson @lefalque


User manual

Developer manual

Contributer manual


Some websites using this plugin