
Nginx Docker images based on Alpine Linux

ISC LicenseISC


Consul Nginx image

This image inherits from the nginx image adding support to manage the Nginx configuration through Consul

It includes :

  • S6 Overlay to properly manage multiple services in one container
  • Consul template to manage dynamic configuration based on Consul


Consul Template

The following example mount the Consul template configuration in the container:

docker run --name nginx-consul -v etc/consul-template:/etc/consul-template:ro -d 1science/nginx:consul

or you can create your own Dockerfile:

FROM 1science/nginx:consul

ADD etc/consul-template /etc/consul-template


An image based on the lightweight Alpine Linux distribution is available with the tag {version}-alpine.

Load Balancing Sample

The sample application demonstrate how to achieve load balancing with Nginx, Consul and Registrator.


We would like to thanks John Regan for his work on the S6 system init which is just awesome.


This project is configured as an automated build in Dockerhub.

Each branch give the related image tag.


All the code contained in this repository, unless explicitly stated, is licensed under ISC license.

A copy of the license can be found inside the LICENSE file.