
Solr Plugin that supports Anserini style query expansion and reranking against Solr indexes

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Solr Plugin that supports Anserini style query expansion and reranking against Solr indexes.


Supports following similarity implementations for paragraph text.

  • Query Likelihood (QL) -- via built-in DirichletLM Similarity
  • BM25 -- via built in BM25 Similarity (default)

Supports following query rewriting functionality (query A).

  • Bag of Words (BoW) -- constructs OR query out of individual terms
  • Sequential Dependency Model (SDM) -- constructs query out of individual terms, bigrams (ordered and unordered).

Supports following query reranking functionality (query B). Constructs more complex query based on results returned from Query A and applies it to the top ${rerankCutoff} results from Query A.

  • Relevance Model 3 (RM3) -- extracts feature vectors from query and results from query A and top feature vectors from top terms from top documents of the result, and interpolates them to create new reranking query.
  • Axiomatic Reranker -- computes mutual information between query terms and terms in top ${rerankedCutoff} documents, plus random documents not from top results, and scored. Uses top K terms to create new reranking query.
  • Identity Reranker -- a do-nothing reranker, passes the results from query A unchanged. Useful for debugging.


Steps to build the JAR file from the code and deploy to Solr are as follows:

$ mvn clean package
$ mkdir -p ${SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/lib
$ cp target/anserini-solr-plugins-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ${SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/lib/


The plugin expects additional field types text_bm and text_ql to be defined in managed-schema.xml of the ${SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/${INDEX_NAME}/conf/managed-schema. These can be found in solr/schema-additions.xml. This is needed to support the QL and BM25 similarities defined above.

The plugin requires two fields para_text_bm and para_text_ql with field types text_bm and text_ql as defined in the previous step. There are no other specific field requirements. An example schema can be found in solr/update-schema.sh.

Please restart Solr after these steps so its class loader can pick up the new JAR file you provided it in the Building section.

The plugin is defined (in ${SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/${INDEX_NAME}/conf/solrconfig.xml) as detailed in solr/update-plugin.sh.


Plugin can be run using HTTP GET requests. A typical URL would be something like the following.


Main parameters to tweak behavior are listed below.

  • q -- question, URL encoded. Mandatory parameter.
  • sim -- ql (Query Likelihood) or bm (BM25), default bm.
  • qtype -- Query Expansion type. Valid values are bow (Bag of Words) or sdm (Sequential Dependency Model), default is bow.
  • rtype -- Reranking type. Valid values are ax (Axiomatic), rm3 (Relevance Model 3), and id (Identity), default is rm3.
  • start and rows -- for pagination, defaults to 0 and 10 respectively.

For certain qtype and rtype, there are some additional parameters that are listed in solr/update-plugin.sh with prefixes "sdm.", "ax.", and "rm3."


Currently the only dependency is Solr, since we have copy-pasted relevant parts of Anserini functionality in the interests of time. Plan is to make Anserini a dependency and leverage its functionality directly.

  • Solr 8.1.1


If you need to cite this software in your own work, please use the following DOI.

Pal, Sujit (2019), Elsevier Labs. Anserini Solr Plugin [Computer Software]; https://github.com/elsevierlabs-os/anserini-solr-plugin.