Tabris.js Reddit Viewer Example

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This is a TypeScript/JSX-based Tabris.js example project. The app shows Reddit posts, enables them to be filtered and to change the display mode. The subreddits are retrieved from the Reddit API and rendered by ListView.

The project extensively uses tabris-decorators extensions such as data binding, dependency injection, ListView, etc. It is installed in addition to the tabris module.


In the project directory, run the Tabris CLI command:

npm start

This will start a JavaScript app code server at a free port and print its URL to the console. The JavaScript app code can be side-loaded in the developer app.


The app can be built using the online build service at or locally using Tabris.js CLI. See Building a Tabris.js App for more information.

The graphic resources under the cordova folder were generated using this icon by Iconfinder which is free for commercial use and used only when the app is installed on a device.