Tabris.js Floating Action Button Plugin

The floating action button plugin for Tabris.js.


The plugin currently supports Android.

The following table shows the plugin branches and the minimum required Tabris.js version:

Version Branch Minimum Tabris.js version
1.0.0 master 3.7.2


The following snippet shows how the tabris-plugin-fab plugin can be used in a Tabris.js app:

new custom.FloatingActionButton({
  centerX: 0,
  centerY: 0,
  image: 'ImageValue'

Integrating the plugin

The Tabris.js website provides detailed information on how to integrate custom widgets in your Tabris.js app. To add the plugin to your app add the following entry in your apps config.xml:

<!-- Not yet on npm -->
<!-- <plugin name="tabris-plugin-fab" spec="^1.0.0" /> -->

To fetch the latest development version use the GitHub URL:

<plugin name="tabris-plugin-fab" spec="" />


The plugin api consists of the Widget > custom.FloatingActionButton with the following properties and events.



image : ImageValue
  • The image to display.


  • Fired when the button is pressed.

  • EventObject Type: EventObject<Button>

  • This event has no additional parameter.


  • Shows the button.
  • Hides the button.

Development of the widget

While not required by the consumer or the widget, this repository provides a project folder that contains platform specific development artifacts. These artifacts allow to more easily consume the native source code when developing the native parts of the widget.


The project provides a gradle based build configuration, which also allows to import the project into Android Studio.

In order to reference the Tabris.js specific APIs, the environment variable TABRIS_ANDROID_PLATFORM has to point to the Tabris.js Android Cordova platform root directory.

export TABRIS_ANDROID_PLATFORM=/home/user/tabris-android

The environment variable is consumed in the gradle projects build.gradle file.


See LICENSE notice.