
Human Robot Interaction (HRI) through a Spoken Dialog System (SDS)

Primary LanguagePython

Spoken Human Robot Interaction

Goal: Simply to make a simple dialogue between a human being and an agent

  1. We need to install the required dependencies pip install requirements.txt

  2. (Speech-To-Text) STT

    • Use google speech recognition api
    • calibrates the microphone to the ambient noise for 2 seconds
    • plays a beep sound after calibration, so the user can say his/her words
    • audio file is sent to google speech recognition api to be analyzed and return the text
  3. (Text-To-Speech) TTS

    • two approaches (one is by using google text to speech, and the other by using python native library pyttsx3)
    • both of them takes a text as input, and say it using PC speakers, however, using google we can specify the language
    • we can save the dialog as well
  4. (Understanding Natural Language) NLP

    • Named Entity Recognition NER
      • extracting information from unstructured text to classify named entities into a set of predefined categories, for example person names, organizations, locations, medical codes, time expressions, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc.
    • Part-of-speech Tagging POS
      • to get better understanding of the text, we need to understand what are the properties -or predicates- of the nouns in a given text
  5. Putting it all together, this mini project was built using few strings for the bot to speak out TTS, and afterwards, waiting for the user input -after mic calibration- STT, these words from the user were analyzed using `spa

Read more about SHRI and project description