Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environment in a single workflow.Lowers development setup time.

Ansible is a configuration management tool used for automating provision,configuration and management of IT processes.


Setting up Vagrant


  1. Vagrant software
  2. Oracle virtual box
  3. Have python installed
  4. Ansible installed correctly
  5. GIT bash preferrably

After everything is installed on the terminal,here are the commands to enable ubuntu/binoc64 run inside your vagant machine

Project steps

Create a directory for the application

mkdir appsample
cd appsample
vagrant init

Vagrant init creats a vagrantfile wheres Vagrant box list installs the required vagrantbox in the system

vagrant box list ubuntu/bionic64 

Vagrantfile should have this next line to enable provision later on ansible when we run vagrant provision

 ansible.playbook = "playbook.yml"

Vagrant up

Creating applications to Webserver

Installing flask on the env,creating app.py files then running the file

pip install flask
flask run
CLI output

To make our webapp dynamic,l added routes to the app.py file indicating the python version,date and type of operating system used.

Using Ansible for running ngnix and loadbalancing

Points to note:

Ansible does indicate compatibility issues when using windows.https://youtu.be/4sMFybv74Uo

Troubleshoot \

Enable the Linux subsytem on the windows platfrom via either the powershell or settings tab.Commands used:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature-Online -Featurename Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux 
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get install ansible
ansible --version

Webservers and loadbalancers running Nginx Helps in performance problem,this way we can add new servers (vm's) and increase the capacity of your platform. Distributing the load over multiple machines is referred to as "load balancing".


Virtual box with name loadbalancer already exists. removing load from the vagrant file then doing vagrant up solved the error.