Develop a bash script to orchestrate the automated deployment of two Vagrant-based Ubuntu systems, designated as 'Master' and 'Slave',


  • A bash script encapsulating the entire deployment process adhering to the specifications mentioned above.
  • Documentation accompanying the script, elucidating the steps and procedures for execution.
  • A test PHP page validating the LAMP setup on both nodes
  • A Load balancer using nginx to allow for traffic to the LAMP using the master and the slave nodes.


Oracle Virtual Machine Installed Vagrant Installed


  1. Make a directory and cd into that directory
  2. Run Vagrant init command to generate a Vagrantfile
    • Since its a multi creation of both slave and master. All these are added to the same file.
    • Ensure the ip address of both the slave and master are different (run ipconfig command to confirm in each server)
  3. Create a Bash script that will automate the process

Vagrantfile - This file contains multinode setup with two nodes master and slave. I configured both in the same file. I added private_network configuration in the DHCP which assigns different ip addresses.

Also included: LAMP Setup in the Vagrantfile instead of the Bash script to avoid complexity.

In the bash script l included a final step to generate a PHP test file to validate PHP functionality. The command l used in the bash scipt :

# Create a PHP test file
echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" | sudo tee /var/www/html/test.php

Issues experienced: Troubleshooting

SSH Permission Denied - Turns out by default if you try to authenticate it fails if password authentication is not enabled on the server node Solution: - SSH into server B and allow password

vagrant ssh slave
sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config
password authentication to be changed from no to yes
sudo systemctl restart ssh

Then copy the key from master using ssh-copy-id -i vagrant@ipaddressofslave


Created a folder Ansible for configuation management

  1. Created a virtual environment and activated it
python -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
  1. The playbook.yml contains tasks from the assignment setting up master and slave nodes

  2. Ansible_hosts file contains the ip addresses

To run the playbook: ansible-playbook -i playbook.yml