Ansible Workshop Deploy


This application is developed with Vagrant 1.8.0 and Ansible 2.0 for a Debian 8 environment.


To run the application within a Vagrant environment, ensure that you have Vagrant and VirtualBox (or Parallels on OS X) installed.

Initial Setup

Git Repositories

You will need to clone this repository: git clone

You may also want to checkout the application being deployed: boltmade/ansible-workshop-app.

Initial Machine Setup

You need to acquire the vault password from someone on the team, which we'll refer to as VAULT_PASS. Then:

cd ansible-workshop-deploy
echo "VAULT_PASS" | tee -a playbooks/vault_pass
vagrant up --provider=virtualbox # OR: vagrant up --provider=parallels

You can stop the application and halt the machine by running vagrant halt or suspend the machine by running vagrant suspend.

Working with the Machine

If you need to apply any updates to your vagrant machine:

vagrant provision

To access the machine:

vagrant ssh

To verify everything is okay:

ansible-playbook --version # =>

Working with Secrets

We are taking advantage of Ansible Vault to store secrets in our source code. Deploy steps will automatically decrypt our secrets files, but if you wish to encrypt a new file or view/edit any existing files:

ansible-vault [encrypt|view|edit] playbooks/path/to/secret_file --vault-password-file playbooks/vault_pass


We use Ansible to manage our deployments. The vagrant machine comes with this installed.


Galaxy Roles

If ansible complains about a missing galaxy role, simply run:

ansible-galaxy install -r playbooks/requirements.txt

These are automatically installed during vagrant provision and within the vagrant environment on machine setup.


Run inside the Vagrant VM:

ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml -i playbooks/production --vault-password-file playbooks/vault_pass

If you want to refresh the database, append --extra-vars "should_seed=true"

Dry Run

If you wish to view what would happen without making changes you can perform a trial run and, optionally, request a diff to see the changes, simply append:

--check [--diff]