
analysis the visitor ip address from nginx log

Primary LanguagePython


analysis the visitor ip address from nginx log


analysis the log file which has been modified in latest 5 days, the log filename must include "access" keywords

python main.py -d 5 --file-name-keywords access

analysis single file

python main.py --file-name access.log

analysis the log file which modified time between 20170601 and 20170630

python main.py --start-date 20170601 --end-date 20170630 --file-name-keywords access

if your nginx log file is not default /var/log/nginx, you need to specify the log directory explicitly

python main.py --log-path /var/log/nginx_log_dir --file-name-keywords access


Sometimes you want to exclude robot visit records.you can specify the log which is to be analysised that must include some keywords or exclude some keywords,to do that,you can change the script line 19 and line 20.

exclude_keywords = ['google','baidu','.aspx','spider','robots','gt-i9500']
include_keywords = ['www.elsonwx.com']

