
Docker environment for course "M102: MongoDB for DBAs" (https://university.mongodb.com/courses/M101JS/about)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Docker environment for course M102: MongoDB for DBAs (https://university.mongodb.com/courses/M102/about)


  • docker
  • mongodb 3.5

Getting Started with Docker and Docker Compose for Local Development

Install Docker


Install Docker Compose


Install the app's

In the project ./book/dev/ (where the Makefile file is located), run:

make build_all && make bootstrap_all

Getting started with mongo command line shell

make shell_mongoshell

then write:

mongo storage:27017/admin -u adminmaster -p passmaster
    user: "usermaster",
    pwd: "passmaster",
    roles: ["dbAdmin"]

    user: "usermaster",
    pwd: "passmaster",
    roles: ["dbAdmin","dbOwner", "readWrite", "userAdmin"]

Getting started with weber from a shell

make shell_weber

then write:

node app.js

Connect to mongo contaner

docker exec -it m101js_storage_1 /bin/sh

Mongo restore dump

mongorestore --host storage -u adminmaster -p passmaster dump

Mongo restore json

mongoimport --host storage --port 27017 -u adminmaster -p passmaster --authenticationDatabase admin --drop --db pcat --collection products --file products.json

Mongo restore js

mongo storage:27017/admin -u adminmaster -p passmaster --shell homework.js