
Nod Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Execute the following commands:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run start


  • Using the provided JSON database ‘database.json’, display the 8 form elements on a page with relevant input fields based on the form element type
  • If the form element contains a description, the description should show via a tooltip when hovered over
  • Each form element should be validated upon data entry and if not the correct format, should show a relevant error message
  • Include a progress bar which should auto-update based on the number of valid form fields completed
  • Show a submission button which should only be enabled when all form elements contain a valid value
  • Upon clicking the submission button, the form values should be saved into a new row in a csv file called ‘submissions.csv’
  • The form element values should then be reset Notes:
  • We use React at Nod. But using any other modern framework instead such as Angular or Vue.js is completely fine and will not be marked against you.
  • Don’t worry about cross browser support, your submission will only be tested on the latest version of Google Chrome
  • Include some meaningful tests
  • Final submission should be a link to a code repository using your favourite git code management product (Gitlab, Bitbucket, Github etc)
  • Please include details on how to install, test, build and run your application