
Python rules for the Please build system

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Python rules

This repo is a plugin that provides python rules for the Please build system.

Basic usage

# This adds the plugin to your project
    name = "python_rules",
    repo = "please-build/python-rules",
    revision = "<Some git tag, commit, or other reference>",

# src/main/python/build/please/foo/BUILD
# This defines a python library that can be depended on by other python rules
    name = "foo",
    srcs = ["foo.py"],
    visibility = ["//src/test/python/build/please/..."]

# src/test/python/build/please/foo/BUILD
# A test for the above library
    name = "foo_test",
    srcs = ["foo_test.py"],
    deps = [

# src/main/python/build/please/foo/BUILD
# This produces an executable pex file
    name = "pybin",
    main = "pybin.py",
    deps = ["//src/main/python/build/please/foo"]

Add the following to your .plzconfig

PreloadSubincludes = @python_rules//build_defs:python

Alternatively, if you are not using python everywhere, you can simply put subinclude("@python_rules//build_defs:python") at the top of individual BUILD files as needed.


Plugins are configured under a Plugin heading like so:

[Plugin "python"]
DefaultInterpreter = python3

The available configuration options are:

[Plugin "python"]
InterpreterOptions = -b -s
DefaultInterpreter = python3
PexTool = //tools/please_pex
TestRunner = unittest
Debugger = pdb
ModuleDir = third_party.python
WheelRepo = https://pypi.org/pypi
WheelNameScheme = None
WheelTool = //tools/wheel_resolver
TestRunnerDeps = //third_party/python:unittest_bootstrap
PipTool = ""
DefaultPipRepo = ""
UsePypi = True
PipFlags = ""
DisableVendorFlags = False